Real estate and golf in china and the impact it has on the market. There are many reason people connect golf real estate. One of the biggest reasons in my opinion is the attraction the thing that grabs your attention. From the real estate side it’s all about the sale and what will increase your profit more than anything what can put the most money in your pocket. Golf is viewed by many as a luxury sport and trying to sale luxury homes is great selling tool to have golf. There are many reason people play golf business is a big one but enjoyment of the game is another. There is always a great debate about golf real estate and the land that it’s built on.
Is it good for the environment is it a waste of space could that land be used for other things? These are always topic that is brought up whenever anyone speaks about golf. Different people have different views and different views usually bread conflict. I believe that environment question is the biggest for many people. Does golf hurt or help the environment? Well from my view it helps the environment the reason I say that is there is many things that can be done with the same land that hurts environment.
Golf courses and golf architects try very hard to keep the land in the most natural state. This is difficult to do thou with regulations about wetlands, trees, local law, government law, and many other factors. I have experience about real estate and golf and the impact it has. The last golf course I built was a Rick Jacobson project in Elgin IL. U.S.A. And real estate surrounding it. This was very interesting project with the work of real estate and golf in the same project. There were many factors that were viewed in this project the environment impact was the one looked at the hardest. The goal of Rick in my opinion was to make a wonderful golf course playable and most natural as possible.
高尔夫球场和球场设计师都是尽力追求自然。由于湿地法规,树木,当地政府的法律法规等多种因素的影响,这是非常难的。关于房地产和高尔夫,及其所受的影响,我是有切身体会的。上个在美国伊利诺亚州为设计师Rick Jacobson(里克 杰克布森)完成的球场,其周围就是房地产。这是个非常有趣的项目,其中包括房产工程和球场工程。大家看待这个项目的观点各不相同,对环境的影响是看的最重的。我们认为设计师Rich 的目标就是追求一个具有可打性又非常自然完美球场。
This was difficult in many aspects the golf routing plan had to change multiple times to accommodate real estate. There are many issues that arise in large project there many issue that no one has control over. This is where planning comes in to the picture this is a key role in large projects. Proper planning is critical on this size scale if you do not plan properly this can delay schedule and cost the client money. Real estate was a big issue and the land that what was available. If you buy a home on a golf course you probably would like to see that golf course. This is difficult were to place homes that have the effect to keep the owners happy and try not to Impact the golf course. From the view of a Builder there is a since of pride that comes with meshing these entire thing together.
兰迪.琼斯 港中旅聚豪(深圳)高尔夫球会球场建造技术总监 |