A life on the road 路上的生活
Published in Michigan Golfer, September/October 2002 issue 发表于《密歇根高尔夫球手》,2002年九月十月刊
In 1989, with two courses in northern Michigan under my belt, I bought a house in Traverse City. In the years since, I’ve spent nearly half my days out of town, and I haven’t worked within 200 miles of home. Why? I place a lot of the blame on cart paths.
I have nothing against golf carts -- for Casey Martin, for seniors, or for anyone who needs them on a hot and humid day. A few carts a day won’t do as much damage to the turf as the maintenance vehicles do. But I just hate building concrete roads through the middle of my courses because so many American golfers are too out of shape or too lazy to walk. When I pass by the local par-3 course, I see teenagers playing out of carts.
我没有理由来反对高尔夫球车,像Casey Martin的长者,或者对那些在热天和雨天需要帮助的人。少量的球车是不会对草坪造成太大影响的,就如同养护用的车一样。但是,我就是讨厌设立水泥球车道来穿过我的球场中央,因为美国太多的高尔夫选手太胖或者懒于走路。当我路过一个当地的三杆洞球场,我看到年轻人打球时并没有用球车。
For golf course architects, cart paths are a distraction -- a half-million-dollar budget item which takes our concentration away from making the golf holes more interesting. If we locate them ourselves, a freewheeling golfer might crash and sue us; if we don’t, the odds are they’ll scar the landscape. Even if they’re out of sight, by the developer’s rule of thumb, building those paths adds five dollars to every green fee thereafter, whether you ride or not.