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时间:2015-08-10 01:23来源:高缘文摘 作者:高缘文摘 点击:
高尔夫球场设计师系谱 ,---真实、简单、温暖的高尔夫家园!


Golf Course Architecture’s Family Tree


By Jim Dunlap


For many of today’s top golf architects, course design is a family tradition. For others, it’s the culmination of a well-planned career path. And for a few, it just happened. Here’s a look at how some of the industry’s most influential desingers got their start.



Pete Dye never intended to become a golf course architect. ”I was selling insurance and a farmer south of Indianapolis called me and said, ‘Why don’t you build this little 9-hole course for me?’” Dye said in recalling his first attempt at designing a golf course, more than 40 years ago.


“We built it, and the following fall, Dr. Harlan Hatcher, the president of the University of Michigan, came by and play it. Well, he must have had the greatest round of golf anyone ever had, because he asked me if I’d interested in building the university’s new golf course. I told my wife Alice we might as well give it a try and I’ve been diggin’ dirt ever since.”


Dye, one of the industry’s most colorful and controversial designers , is unique. Most of the men and Women whose talent and vision creates golf courses today got into the profession through more direct routes. Geoffrey Cornish, a respected course designer and golf historian, has produced a detailed study indentifying 35 golf design “family tree” from which the majority of today’s architects sprung.


Some of the trees are traced back to industry pioneers such as Donald Ross, Alister Mackenzie and A. W. Tillinghast. A few go back even further. More recent trees begin with Dye – and include his wife Alice, Brother Roy, son Perry, grandson P.B., niece Cynthia Dye McGarey and nephews Matt and Andy Dye – and George Fazio, uncle of Tom and Jim.

一些系谱要追溯到行业前辈如唐纳德 罗斯,艾尔斯特 麦肯齐 和 提灵哈斯特那里。个别系谱追溯的更远。距离现在比较近的系谱是从皮特戴开始的,其中包括他的妻子爱丽丝,兄弟罗伊,儿子派瑞,孙子P.B.,侄女辛西娅 戴 麦格雷和侄子 麦特 和 安迪;一些起始于汤姆 法齐奥和 吉姆 法齐奥的叔叔乔治 法齐奥。


Although most the names on the family trees identifed by Cornish are related by profession and not by genetics, golf course design definitely seems to have some allure as a family business.

