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BAY HARBOR 港湾球场案例研究-从废弃采石场到一流

时间:2015-08-10 01:22来源:周陆波 作者:周陆波 点击:
BAY HARBOR CASE STUDY:FROM AN ABANDONED QUARRY TO A WORLD-CLASS GOLF RESORTBAY HARBOR 港湾球场案例研究 ——从废弃采石场到一流高尔夫球场的转型 Bay Harbor is a 405 hectare destination resort and ... ,---真实
BAY HARBOR 港湾球场案例研究 ——从废弃采石场到一流高尔夫球场的转型
BAY HARBOR 港湾球场案例研究-从废弃采石场到一流
        Bay Harbor is a 405 hectare destination resort and golf community built on a despoiled industrial site in the state of Michigan, USA. The project was developed by Victor International Corporation, whose Chairman, David Johnson, saw opportunity hidden under the blight. Design work on the site commenced in the early 1990s. SmithGroupJJR devised the master plan for Bay Harbor, as well as drafting an engineering restoration scheme that would guide the conversion of this degraded quarry site into an exclusive, high-end resort with a 27 hole golf course, a marina, a hotel, and a private residential community. Hills & Forrest, International Golf Course Architects, designed the golf course as the resort’s principle attraction in close collaboration with SmithGroupJJR.
        Bay Harbor (港湾) 位于美国密歇根州,占地405公顷,是一个修建在废弃工业旧址上的度假胜地和高尔夫社区。Victor Internantional Corporation 的董事长David Johnson预见了这片废墟的未来发展潜力,投资开发了这个项目。项目的设计开始于上世纪90年代。SmithGroupJJR主持了Bay Harbor(港湾)的总体规划设计以及将这片退化的采石场废地转变成为集27洞高尔夫球场,游艇码头,酒店和私人住宅社区为一体的高端独有度假区的恢复工程草案。Hills & Forrest (希尔斯/弗瑞斯特)国际高尔夫球场设计公司遵循此度假区项目的宗旨,在与SmithGroupJJR的紧密合作下完成了高尔夫球场的设计。
BAY HARBOR 港湾球场案例研究-从废弃采石场到一流
       Located along the shore of Lake Michigan, Bay Harbor demonstrates how a private company partnering with the local government could restore a degraded landscape by integrating golf and other amenities into an overall master plan for remediation and development. Managing water was also a central component in the transformation of this degraded and marginalized site into a beautiful, sustainable landscape that enhances wildlife habitat, improves storm drainage, and restores wetlands and waterways to health.
     Bay Harbor(港湾)球场是Hills & Forrest(希尔斯/弗瑞斯特)高尔夫球场设计公司在美国密歇根州的一个设计作品。最初这里是一片严重退化的采石场,而最终它成为了一个高端的高尔夫及游艇度假社区。坐落于密歇根湖岸的Bay Harbor(港湾)证明了,一家私人公司通过与当地政府合作,能够将高尔夫和其它设施整合进一个集环境恢复和开发为一体的总体规划中,从而对退化的自然景观进行改善。在将这一废弃的土地转变为环境优美,可持续性的景观过程中,水治理是其中的一个中心环节,通过对水环境的治理,加强了对野生动物栖息地的保护,改善了暴雨排水,并使湿地和水系恢复到健康状态。
        When a cement plant on the southern shore of Little Traverse Bay in northern Michigan ceased operations in 1981 after operating for more than one hundred years, pulling shale and limestone from the ground to use in the manufacture of cement, it left behind an almost 162 hectare brown-field stretching along 8 kilometers of Lake Michigan shoreline that, in the words of a local developer, “looked like the moon.” Cement kiln dust, the residue from processing limestone and shale into cement, was contaminating ground water, leaching into Lake Michigan and, in dry weather, launching air-born contaminants that included dangerous elements such as arsenic and lead into the atmosphere. Distributed across 49 hectares in layers from 1.5 to 25 meters deep, the almost two million cubic meters of cement kiln dust was alkaline and laden with dissolved salts. Nothing grew on this sterile material.

        Transformation of the site began in the summer of 1994 with the demolition of the cement factories. State government officials and local dignitaries gathered to watch powerful explosives topple the tall smokestacks and reduce fourteen enormous storage silos into piles of rubble. In the spring of 1995, another set of explosions opened the 36 hectare embayment to onrushing water from Lake Michigan. Water flooded through the opening at the rate of 3.8 million litres per minute, filling the new harbor with 9,450,000 cubic meters of water in only twenty-four hours.
        Steep sided quarry pits covered about 81 hectares. 222 hectares of the site was a mixture of upland hardwood/conifer forests and open fields, while another 41 hectares was a mixture of forested scrub and shrub wetlands. This adulterated landscape was transformed into the following amenities: a marina (created when a passage was blasted through the narrow rock wall separating the 36 hectare quarry from Lake Michigan); a 27-hole Hills & Forrest-designed golf course (under part of which the cement kiln dust is buried); a resort hotel (built upon the old factory grounds); and 800 residences, primarily vacation homes (some built skirting the artificial bluffs of the quarries, converted now into marina and golf course view lots).
        陡峭的矿坑覆盖着大约81公顷的土地。222公顷的土地为高地阔木林,针叶林和开阔区域,另外41公顷为茂密的灌木和灌木湿地。这些景观质量参差不齐的土地最终被改造成了以下舒适的环境:一个游艇码头(通过爆破一个分开36公顷采石场和密歇根湖的窄石墙通道修建而成);一座27洞Hills & Forrest(希尔斯/弗瑞斯特)高尔夫球场(部分球洞下就掩埋这水泥窑粉尘);一家度假酒店(建造在原
BAY HARBOR 港湾球场案例研究-从废弃采石场到一流
       Bay Harbor’s consulting engineers worked out the details of a Closure Activities Plan that committed the developers to follow certain reclamation protocols in exchange for an agreement by the state not to sue over liabilities arising for historic contamination. As long as the developer adhered to the reclamation protocols, it faced no long-term liabilities should the design somehow fail to achieve its intent. Because the agreement also provided for on-going monitoring of groundwater and, “sampling strategies” to monitor the areas designated for housing, to assure against any persistent effects from contamination, it is possible to observe that the plan has worked as designed. The key challenge faced in the plan was how to manage the kiln dust. Firming up the inward side of perched lakeside bluffs--that is, artificial mesas created by inland quarry operations – was a second demanding task.
        Bay Harbor (港湾)项目的顾问工程师们制定出了关停计划的细节,由开发商们遵循一定的改造恢复协议,以此换取州政府不对由于历史原因产生污染进行控告的协议。只要开发商始终遵循该协议,就算最终设计未能达到预期目标,开发商也不必承担相应的长期债务责任。因为协议还提供了对地下水持续的环境监测和“抽样策略”,以监测指定地区的住房用水,保证不受污染的持续影响,根据设计方案,这些目标是可以达到的。方案中面临的主要挑战是如何处理水泥窑粉尘。而加固断崖边的湖畔,即由内陆采集工作遗留下来的人工台地——则是第二项艰巨的任务。
      Hills & Forrest identified a number of tracts where the kiln dust could be used as fill. Wetlands inadvertently formed when the cement factory’s efforts to drain storm water into the lake created water-holding shelves were also modified or removed, then mitigated with new wetlands integrated into the golf course. The kiln dust and other fill materials weretransported, placed and shaped according to Hills & Forrest’s grading plan. A layer of clay and heavy soils roughly 46 cm deep blanketed and stabilized the relocated
kiln dust. Topsoil, either screened from material discarded during the quarry operations (particles up to 2.54 cm in diameter are acceptable in fairways), or imported from elsewhere on the site, completed the rough profile of the graded fairways. Six of the twenty-seven golf holes were created in this way.
         Hills & Forrest(希尔斯/弗瑞斯特)划定了一些可用作填埋物的水泥窑灰区域。在水泥工厂将暴雨水排放入湖时不可避免地形成了原始湿地,其产生的挡水层被改进或移除,最终形成了与高尔夫球场融为一体的湿地。这些水泥窑灰以及其他填埋物质根据Hills & Forrest(希尔斯/弗瑞斯特)的造型图进行了转运、堆放和造型。利用深约46厘米的粘土层进行覆盖,固定了重新堆放的窑灰。表层土壤方面,无论是从采石场中废弃物质筛选作业(粒径为2.54厘米以内可用于球道),或从其他地方运至现场,最终成功完成球道的粗造型。在27洞高尔夫球场中有6个洞的建造采用了这种方式。
        The golf course contours were designed to take storm-water into manufactured wetlands created in the Hills & Forrest golf course plan rather than allowing it to flush directly into the lake. Integrating wetlands into the design is an increasingly common approach in the golf course architecture practiced by Hills & Forrest and other environmentally responsible golf course design firms.
       高尔夫球场的起伏设计用以将暴雨排水引入方案中的湿地里,而非直接冲刷进密歇根湖中。将湿地融入到球场设计之中,是经Hills & Forrest(希尔斯/弗瑞斯特)和其他同样具有环境责任感的高尔夫球场设计团队实践,且在高尔夫球场设计中日渐普遍的方法。
       Placing tees, fairways and greens in diagonal proximity to the wetlands created a strategic challenge to golfers, always an important ingredient in a well-designed modern golf course. (A tee shot keeping well away from the wetlands is safer, but will make for a longer second shot.) The Hills & Forrest approach to creating and preserving wetlands also provides the environmental benefits of storm-water retention, wastewater polishing, and enhanced wildlife habitat.
       将发球台,球道和果岭安排在湿地的对角线位置是对球手的一大考验,也是优秀的现代球场设计中的重要组成部分。(开球时如果要保持与湿地有一个很好的安全距离,就需要有一个更远的第二杆。)Hills & Forrest(希尔斯/弗瑞斯特)通过创造及保留湿地,还在暴雨水调蓄、废水再利用和野生动物栖息地改善保护方面,提高了环境效益。
       Siting golf holes rather than housing on the shoreline bluffs was another crucial feature of the land plan, protecting the view-shed for the houses clustered inland. Rather than planting trees on the bluffs, Hills & Forrest chose to create a links-like landscape, its tribute to the classical seaside courses of the British Isles. From here the course flows into either the parkland-style Preserve nine or the Quarry, where the golfer plays within steep-walled canyons created by the limestone and shale mining.
       将高尔夫球洞而非住宅修建在湖岸线的断崖上,是土地规划的另一个关键特征,其保证了内陆住宅区的景观通透性。Hills & Forrest(希尔斯/弗瑞斯特)选择建造一个Links(林克斯)风格的球场,而非在断崖上进行植树,这正是对不列颠群岛上那些经典海滨球场的献礼。从这里开始,球场不仅与保护区的9洞相衔接,还与采石场场地相连,球手可以在石灰石和页岩开采后留下的陡峭峡谷间享受击球乐趣。
       Bay Harbor converted a stained and cankerous eyesore into a healthy, functioning landscape, with the golf course as a central element of the overall design. The designers and developers used the amalgam of “opportunism and artifice” that was characteristic of the work of, Fredrick Law Olmstead to convert this brown-field site into a project so successful that it now represents 28% of the tax base of the town of Petoskey, Michigan, where Bay Harbor is located.
       Bay Harbor(港湾)项目将一个污染退化的场地打造成为良性发展,功能齐全的美丽景观,而高尔夫球场则是整个设计的核心要素和亮点。设计师们和开发商们秉承并巧妙结合了Fredrick Law Olmstead作品中的“opportunism and artifice”,成功地将这处贫瘠之地转化为一个现在可以每年为港湾(Bay Harbor)球场所在地——密歇根州皮托斯基城纳税达总额28%的胜地。
      Twenty-eight hectares of the original site were dedicated as parkland, with 1.6 kilometers of shoreline and eight kilometers of nature trials open to the public. Into the bargain the state rid itself of a dangerous nuisance at no cost to the taxpayer (all closure activities and redevelopment was accomplished with private funds).
       Hills & Forrest and SmithGroupJJR were key members of the design and development team that converted a hazardous quarry site with toxic residues whose existence was a threat to public health and safety into a valuable property with enhanced wildlife, water quality and overall beauty.
        Hills & Forrest(希尔斯/弗瑞斯特)和SmithGroupJJR作为设计和开发团队的关键成员,与团队一同将这片曾受严重破坏,含有有毒物质,对公众健康和安全存在潜在威胁的采石场转变成为有价值的地块,并改善了野生动物栖息地,水质以及整体景观。