NJ, USA,2002
美国 新泽西 2002年
@张旭 编译 The approach to the 13th green embraces the best that golf course architecture offers: the golfer is presented with strategic options ranging from playing safely to the right to attempting an heroic carry onto the green by going left over the penal sandy scrub.
第十三洞攻果岭的一杆包含了高尔夫设计中最佳的策略:呈现给高尔夫球手非常明显的攻击策略选择,要么瞄向果岭右边选择较为安全的打法,要么飞跃果岭正前方的惩罚性沙坑选择直攻果岭。 Pine Valley has long attracted superlatives. It is continually judged as the finest course in the world in large part because many would argue that a) it possesses more world class holes than any other course, b) the finest eighteen green complexes of any course, c) the finest collection of three shotters, d) the finest collection of two shotters (especially those under 370 yards), e) the finest collection of one shot holes, f) the finest three hole start and g) thefinest three hole finish. In between, it has a great halfway house!
松树谷长期以来都极富吸引力。其一直被评为世界上最精致的球场,主要是因为大家都认为其:1,其比其他任何球场都拥有更多的世界性经典球洞;2,比其他任何球场都有着更精巧的果岭设计;3,有着非常精致的5杆洞设计;4,有着非常精致的4杆洞设计(尤其是小于370码的四杆洞);5,有着非常精巧的3杆洞设计;6,前三洞的设计非常精巧;7,最后收杆的三洞非常精巧;最后,中间还有着非常棒的中途休息亭。 In addition to it being a famous test of golf, Pine Valley served as a central gathering point for architects to discuss and analyze specific design features during the Golden Age of golf course design. Starting in 1912 when George Crump acquired the property, a who’s-who of architects came, saw, and in some cases contributed to its design: Harry Colt, Hugh Wilson, George Thomas, William Flynn, Charles Blair Macdonald, Walter Travis, Robert Hunter, A.W. Tillinghast, Alister MacKenzie, Donald Ross, William Fownes, Charles Alison and Perry Maxwell. They all appreciated that Pine Valley raised the standard for golf course architecture and these same architects account for the majority of the great courses found in the United States.
其球场的著名不仅在于其可以挑战高尔夫运动,而且松树谷在高尔夫球场设计的黄金时期还是设计师们讨论分析具体球道设计的一个聚会点。从1912年乔治-克伦普拿到这块地开始,一个个著名高尔夫球场设计师都相继过来,并为这座球场的设计出谋献策,这些设计师都有:哈利-科特,休-威尔逊,乔治-托马斯,威廉-弗林,查尔斯-布莱尔-麦克唐纳德,沃尔特-特拉维斯,罗伯特-亨特,A.W. 提灵哈斯特,艾尔斯特-麦肯兹,唐纳德-罗斯,威廉-福恩斯,查尔斯-埃里森,佩里-麦克斯韦。他们都欣赏松树谷提升了高尔夫设计的标准,这些设计师们都在美国留下了大量的伟大球场。 And though Colt was paid as an advisor by Crump, and though Crump consulted with many of the architects listed above, and though Crump died before the 12th – 15th holes were put into play, there is no mistake that Crump deserves the vast majority of the credit for the incorporation of so many classic design elements. Crump is the man who found the property, who lived on site and scoured it week after week to find the ideal routing, and who oversaw the detailed construction of fourteen of the holes.
尽管哈利-科特是乔治-克伦普的付费设计顾问,尽管克伦普同时也咨询了上述的很多其他设计师,并且尽管克伦普在12洞到15洞最终完成之前就去世了,但毫无疑问克伦普对将这么多经典的设计师融合在一起完成这座球场的贡献是最大的。是克伦普找到了这块土地,驻扎在现场,为了找到最理想的规划路线一周周的走遍了现场的每一寸地块,而且前14条球道的详细建造都是他监管的。 The initial 184 acres that Crump found that set the stage for this course is indeed remarkable. Set on sand dunes that bordered the ocean thousands upon thousands of years ago, the property was windswept and scrub covered when Crump first saw it in or around 1909. One of the first architects to come see it with Crump was Charles Blair Macdonald who immediately noted, ‘Here is one of the greatest courses – if grass will grow.’
克伦普为建造这座球场最初找到的184英亩土地确实不同寻常。坐落于成千上万年海风吹成的沙丘之上,在克伦普1909年发现这块地的时候,其大风肆虐并掩盖灌木之下。当时最早陪他看这块地的一位设计师是查尔斯-布莱尔-麦克唐纳德,其立刻就指出,“如果草坪能够生长,这将会是一座伟大的高尔夫球场”。 And Macdonald knew what he was talking about as the property that he found for National Golf Links of Americais the only other property in the world of golf that can attempt to match Pine Valley’s for diversity and inspiration over the full eighteen holes. The same cannot be said for the property at Cypress Point or Royal Melbourne (West)or Royal County Downor even The Old Course at St. Andrews, each of which features nines of unequal merit. However, at Pine Valley, the level of excitement remains at an unsurpassed high from the 1st tee to the last putt on the 18th green, as we see in the hole by hole description below.
同时麦克唐纳德知道他在说什么,因为他为美国国家林克斯球场找到的那块地是世界上唯一一块可以在差异性匹敌松树谷场地,且令人鼓舞。但是却不能同样这么称赞柏树岬球场,皇家墨尔本西场,皇家邓恩郡甚至是圣安德鲁斯老球场,这些球场的九洞与九洞之间都有着不一样的特色特点。然而,在松树谷,从1号发球台直到18号果岭的推杆结束,让人兴奋的状态却能一直保持,且无法被超越。接下来让我们逐洞来欣赏一下: Holes to Note 1st hole, 425 yards; Considered the finest 19th hole in golf,the8,300 square foot green starts as an extension of the fairway and ends as a peninsula with sharp fall offs on all three sides. The demand for clear thinking is immediate: with the front portion of the green ample in width, is the golfer content to be on the front and take two putts to get down? Or is he confident enough to chase after the back hole locations where the green narrows? A wonderful dilemma posed by a bunkerless green site.
1号洞-425码;考虑到高尔夫中最精致的第19洞,8300平方英尺(771平方米)的果岭起始于球道的一部分,最终成为半岛形状,其他三个边都是陡坡。这就要求球手立即要有清晰的战略考虑:第二杆是考虑将球停在较为宽敞的果岭前半部分,然后两推拿下第一洞 ?要么球手会选择非常有自信的将球停在较窄的后半部分 ?没有沙坑的果岭创造出一种非常有戏剧性的进退两难境地。
![Pine valley-5186.png 松树谷高尔夫俱乐部(1-9洞,张旭翻译)](/news/uploads/allimg/c150810/143913Z01H40-3W02.jpg) ![Pine valley-5189.png 松树谷高尔夫俱乐部(1-9洞,张旭翻译)](/news/uploads/allimg/c150810/143913Z0ASF-4b43.jpg)
As taken from the right side of the green complex, an approach lost slightly right is kicked away from the green and towards death. A similar fate awaits on the left side and over as well. 上图从果岭右前方拍摄,第二杆若是偏右球便会滚到右侧的坡底,几近崩溃。左侧和后侧都是同样命运。 2nd hole, 365 yards; Some selective underbrush clearing has recently occurred on a hole by hole basis with the view that finding one’s golf ball and then hitting it is an integral part to the spirit of the game. The search process for a lost ball is quicker and indeed the golfer is more apt to have a recovery shot that he could attempt. The benefit of this clearing was seen when a play-off of six men for two spots arrived at the 2nd tee. Two of the six posted a bogey and a double bogey – and they advanced! The other four men had driven poorly and found their tee balls in the sandy ruts that line either side of the 2nd fairway. They then tried miraculous recovery shots which alas proved their undoing. While this fairway is perhaps the most imperative one to hit on the course, the real terror of the hole for the class golfer is its mammoth putting surface, with its series of waves that run from left to right across the pitched green. Why the contours of this green haven’t been emulated at other courses is a mystery.
2号洞-365码;为了使得球手更容易看到找到并能击球球,最近对各个球道周边进行了一些灌木清理,这也是高尔夫精神整体性的一部分。这样会使得找球的过程更快,同时使得高尔夫球手尽可能更好的救球。站在2号发球台上,这项工作的益处就显而易见的在六个人的延长赛中的两个地方体现了出来。六人中的两人一人加一,一人加二 – 他们竟然领先!其他四人开杆不顺,球落在了球道两边的沙草中。他们都尽量打出不可思议的救球来证明他们自己。然而2号球道却是整个球场中命令式的球道,这个球道对各个水平的球手来说最大的威胁是在庞大的果岭上,波浪形的三层推杆面从左到右穿越过这个隆起的果岭。为什么没有其他球场效仿这个果岭的起伏真是让人不解。
![Pine valley-6762.png 松树谷高尔夫俱乐部(1-9洞,张旭翻译)](/news/uploads/allimg/c150810/143913Z12b260-A091.jpg) The green contours that make putting so treacherous are evident from the right side of the green. The caddie's feet are well below the day's back hole location.
这个果岭起伏使得推杆难以捉摸,从果岭右方看果岭的起伏十分明显。从球童的脚部可以看到其站的位置远比后方洞杯要低。 3rd hole, 180 yards; Because of its high right side, the general right to left sweep of the green, and the bunker that protects the left side, many people consider this hole a Redan while in fact it is not. However, it may well offer more options than a Redan. Its front right hole location can be nightmarish but its back left one is lots of fun as the golfer watches from the elevated tee as his draw releases across the green towards it.
3号洞-180码;由于右侧凸起,果岭表面整体从左坡向右侧,加之沙坑保护着果岭的左侧,很多人将这个球道考虑为经典的“凸角堡”设计,然而实际上却不是。其右前方的洞杯位如噩梦般,而左后侧的洞杯却很有趣,因为球手可以从高处的发球台看到自己打出小左曲,然后高尔夫球穿过果岭滚向左后侧的洞杯。 ![Pine valley-7565.png 松树谷高尔夫俱乐部(1-9洞,张旭翻译)](/news/uploads/allimg/c150810/143913Z1R23Z-S454.jpg)
The imaginative shape of the 3rd green offers numerous interesting hole locations. 3号果岭的造型极富想象力,且设计出了非常有趣的洞杯位置。 4th hole, 445 yards; Crump was a master at fitting the green to the hole. Given that the 4th is the second longest two shotter on the course behind the 13th, it therefore comes as no surprise to find the green is open in front and is one of the biggest on the course at 9,700 square feet. The green itself follows the general slope of the land, which is from front to back. Having one’s approach finish near the front hole locations is tricky (as the ball wants to wander to the back) but the golfer who takes on the dogleg off the tee gains a real advantage by coming into the green with a shorter club.
4号洞-445码;克伦普这位大师很好的 将这洞的果岭融到了这条球道的设计之中。除过13号球岛,这是全场里面第二长的四杆洞,因此在当看到果岭开放式的前半部分并得知果岭是9700平方英尺(901平方米)将不会感到惊讶。果岭依地势设计,前高后低。如果洞杯位置靠前,就会使得球手的第二杆非常诡异(因为高尔夫球会向后滚);如果球手开杆飞跃狗腿,就可以使得第二杆有很大的优势采用短杆攻果岭。 ![Pine valley-8474.png 松树谷高尔夫俱乐部(1-9洞,张旭翻译)](/news/uploads/allimg/c150810/143913Z225J50-aZ4.jpg) ![Pine valley-8476.png 松树谷高尔夫俱乐部(1-9洞,张旭翻译)](/news/uploads/allimg/c150810/143913Z24CG0-1043B.jpg)
Because of its famous island fairways and greens, Pine Valley has been misunderstood as accepting only an aerial game. The approach to the 4th green is a clear example of the importance that Crump associated with the ground game. 由于其著名的岛式球道和果岭,松树谷被误以为只接受高抛球的打法。4号洞的第二杆就是克伦普将地滚球融入到设计中的重要例证。 5th hole, 230 yards; At Harry Colt’s suggestion, Crump pushed the green 60 yards further up the hill, thus creating a long one shotter that is considered by many as being the supreme long one shotter among inland courses along with the 9th at Yale, the 13th at The Addington and 6th at West Sussex.Some golfers more closely associate this hole with Pine Valley than any other thanks to its heroic and penal nature. However, other golfers who appreciate Pine Valley first and foremost for its strategic dilemmas may find a dozen or so holes on the course more readily appealing. Regardless, the hole is another example of Pine Valley’s sterling routing as it gets the golfer from the lower 4th green by the clubhouse up to the ridge that the 6th hole plays along.
The famous view of the one shot 5th, whose green is well elevated above its tee.
著名的5号三杆洞,其果岭地势远高于发球台。 Nothing good happens to the golfer if he misses the 5th green to the right. However, some of the underbrush has been cleared since Gene Litter found misery in there during his 1960s Shell's Wonderful World of Golf match. Note the fairway short of the green.
球手开球若没上果岭偏到了右边,是绝对不会有好结果的。然而,自上世纪60年代壳牌世界高尔夫对抗赛中吉恩-利特在那里吃尽了苦头之后,清理了一些地被。请注意果岭前方有一小段球道。 6th hole, 390 yards; This dogleg to the right features one of the game’s finest angles of play. To carry the scrub straight ahead off the tee is only 140 yards, but that would leave the golfer well over 200 yards into the green. Conversely, the boldest line requires a carry of 275 yards but the golfer would be left with a little wedge into the green. Regardless of which line the golfer takes, the closer his tee ball hugs the inside of the dogleg (i.e. the closer it is to the trouble), the better angle he has into the green, which is protected on its left front side by a bunker.
6号洞-390码;这个洞的右狗腿是这项运动中最有趣的狗腿洞中之一,穿过灌木丛抵达球道起始处只有140码,但是这样会导致攻果岭的第二杆会超过200码。相反,飞跃球道转弯的地方将要求开球达到275码,但是球手可以轻松的用短铁杆上果岭。不管球手选择那种打法,高尔夫球距离球道转弯的地方越近(其距离麻烦也就越近),其第二杆攻果岭的角度就越好,因为果岭被左前方的果岭所保护。 The golfer must elect which line to pursue from the elevated tee. The further right he goes, the shorter approach shot he'll have and the better angle into the green.
球手站在高处的发球台上必须要选择采取何种攻击路线。往右开的越远,第二杆上果岭的距离就越近,且角度也越好。 7th hole, 580 yards; Relatively speaking, this hole occupies the flatest stretch of property on the course, so to give the hole life, Crump left what would become probably the course’s single most famous hazard – Hell’s Half Acre, which bisects the fairway from the 285 to the 380 yard mark. A.W. Tillinghast was mightily impressed and would later incorporate such a Sahara bunkering scheme into several of his finest three shot holes including the 17th at Baltusrol Lower, the 14th at Five Farms course of Baltimore Country Club and the 3rd at Fenway Golf Club. While Hell’s Half Acre puts pressure on the second shot, it’s actually the tee ball that is crucial for the good player: if the golfer doesn’t find the fairway, he knows that his only play will be to pitch out short of Hell’s Half Acre. The green contours are often overlooked but are among the finest on the course.
7号洞-580码;相对而言,这条球道占用了场地里面最平坦的地方,为了给这条球道以生命,克伦普在这里采用了整个球场里面最大也最著名的障碍 – 半英亩的地狱沙坑,其将球道从280码到380码的地方一分为二。提灵哈斯特或许会被此沙坑震撼,也或许会给他几个最有名的五杆洞中加入类似的撒哈拉沙坑主题,包括巴图斯洛尔俱乐部劳尔球场的17号洞、巴尔的摩乡村俱乐部伍农场球场中的14号和芬威高尔夫俱乐部的3号洞。虽然半英亩地狱沙坑给了第二杆很大压力,但是最高手来说最重要的是第一杆,如果开杆没有开到球道上,他便知道他的第二杆将不得不将球切出半英亩地狱沙坑。果岭的起伏经常被忽视,但却是球场里面最有趣的果岭之一。 ![Pine valley-12645.png 松树谷高尔夫俱乐部(1-9洞,张旭翻译)](/news/uploads/allimg/c150810/143913Z31U020-162553.jpg) ![Pine valley-12647.png 松树谷高尔夫俱乐部(1-9洞,张旭翻译)](/news/uploads/allimg/c150810/143913Z32bQ0-1J648.jpg)
Hell's Half Acre - with such natural hazards, Pine Valley enjoyed a timeless look from the outset.
半英亩地狱沙坑 – 有着如此自然的障碍,松树谷从最初就享受着永恒的景观。 8th hole, 320 yards; Given Pine Valley’s fearsome reputation around the world, many first time players are surprised to find that they are likely to have a short iron approach shot into at least four holes (here, the 10th, 12th and 17th). George Crump believed in testing the full range of shots AND he also understood that a ticklish wedge shot could be just as worrisome/vexing as a full blooded wood or long iron shot. Since Crump’s death in 1918, Pine Valley has never once fallen prey to the false quest for length that first gripped America in the 1960s and that is currently ruining such designs as Augusta National. Crump brilliantly kept the 8th short in length, thus guaranteeing that the golfer would have a pitch shot off a tricky side hill, downhill stance. To compound matters, the tiny green measures a mere 2,900 square feet and now features a false front that Perry Maxwell built. Crump could have easily located the green some 30-40 yards further back (i.e. where the 9th tee is today) but that would have negated the need for the golfer to handle an approach from an awkward stance.
This photograph captures the 8th hole's primary defenses: the sloping fairway and its tiny green.
上图捕捉到了8号洞的主要的防御,侧下坡的球道和超级小的果岭。 9th hole, 425 yards; Unlike many modern courses built today, Crump placed little value in having holes laid out so that the golfer could see everything. In fact, on the 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 16th, and 17th holes, the golfer is unlikely to see his ball land in the fairway. A lot of earth would have had to be moved to provide the golfer with perfect visuals and Crump saw no reason to do so. Also, on a course where the better golfer can continually seek an advantage by placing the ball in a particular spot in the wide fairways, the concept of the 9th’s dual greens is an interesting solution to creating angles of play on what would otherwise have been a straight hole. Along with the original 8th green, Perry Maxwell also worked on the left 9th green and his back right hole location is a particularly thrilling one to try and get close to, given that a cliff is only few paces over the green. This green was originally a skyline one with nothing behind it but the growth of the trees to stabilize the sandy soil has negated that feature of the hole.
9号洞-425码;不像如今建造的很多球场一样,克伦普在设计球道的时候并没有太注重让球手看到整个球道的内容。实际上,在4号、6号、8号、9号、11号、13号、16号和17号,球手在发球台开球后,很可能看不到球落在球道的位置。如果要给球手提供一个非常完美的通透视线,那在建造的时候将不得不移动大量的土方,然而克伦普却觉得没有必要那么做。另外,在一个球场,高手能够寻找出宽球道的特殊位置上并将球放在那里以便拿到更好的下杆机会,在这个比较直的球道上,9号的双果岭概念很好的解决了击球角度的问题。 ![Pine valley-15683.png 松树谷高尔夫俱乐部(1-9洞,张旭翻译)](/news/uploads/allimg/c150810/143913Z4333a0-2091N.jpg) ![Pine valley-15685.png 松树谷高尔夫俱乐部(1-9洞,张旭翻译)](/news/uploads/allimg/c150810/143913Z4510310-215214.jpg) Looks can be deceiving: while the 9th looks tight from the tee, its fairway is one of the widest on the course.