一直以来史蒂夫-史翠克都以推杆闻名,甚至史翠克经常被美国媒体评价为现役球手中最好的推击手,他的推杆数据常年在美巡赛名列前茅。那么史翠克有什么独到的推击方式呢?让我们一探究竟。 ![]()
1、 左手手掌紧握球杆(GRIP) 史翠克喜欢用左手紧握推杆握把,如果把力度从1分到10的话,他的左手持握力度是7,史翠克的右手握杆相对柔和。史翠克说,当左手和右手两种握杆力度交汇时,他感觉身体左侧在控制他的推击。史翠克不喜欢在推击时杆头有任何扭动,因此他用左手手掌握杆,而不是手指握杆。这种握杆方式会让左臂感受到和杆身的一体性。 I like to grip the putter fairly tight in my left hand, probably a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10, but my right-hand grip is considerably lighter. I'm a left-hand dominant putter, and the two grip pressures reinforce the feeling that my left side will be controlling the stroke. I also don't want the feeling of the face twisting, even the slightest, when I strike the ball. I grip the putter in the palm of my left hand, not the fingers. It's resting on my lifeline. This gives me a feeling of unity between the putter's shaft and my left arm. ![]() 2、 奇怪的试摆(WAGGLE) 史翠克在推击时会尝试试摆。他并不是向其他球手一样,将推杆杆头静止放在球后,然后上杆。奇怪的是,史翠克的杆头摆动是垂直于目标线方向,而不是沿着目标线方向。史翠克介绍说,当自己是青少年的时候,他喜欢在上杆前向目标方向压握把。但后来他希望能够从始至终保持相同的杆身位置,从而保证推击的稳定性。在推击时,史翠克的杆头跟部会稍稍抬起,他说这是为了让杆头的移动路径更加笔直。 You read that right. I actually "waggle" my putter by bouncing it against the turf a little before I make a stroke. As a kid, I used to forward press the shaft before hitting a putt to reduce tension. But because I want to keep the shaft in the same position from start to finish to improve my consistency, I've developed this bouncy move. It's hard to go from a static position into a fluid stroke, so this is what I do to make it smoother. Also, my putter sits with the heel slightly off the ground, which results in a straighter back and through motion. ![]() 3、左腕保持外翘 许多球手在推击时喜欢前倾握把,但史翠克在推击时始终保持左腕向外稍稍翘起,因此杆身处于更加竖直向下的位置。史翠克相信这样的左腕动作会帮助保持更稳定的杆面。同时,作为一个以左手为主导的推击手,史翠克希望推击时的钟摆摇晃是通过左肩、左臂以及左手一起驱动的。 At address my left wrist is cupped, and my goal is to maintain that angle throughout the stroke. Most people have the shaft leaning toward the target, but the cupped wrist sets the shaft in a more vertical position. I believe this helps me strike the ball consistently in the same place on the putter's face as well as put the best possible roll on the ball. As I said earlier, I'm a left-hand-dominant putter. I feel as if my pendulum stroke is moved by my left shoulder, arm and hand working together. ![]() 以下是《Golfchannel》的了解到史翠克与老虎分享的一些推杆经验: 推杆时站姿非常重要。想做到稳定的杆,你必须注意两点:平衡和稳定。一个正确的站姿会帮助你有效地做到这两点。所以将你的后背打直,手腕处弯曲,你的手臂从肩处开始自然下垂。 推杆时需要正确的力道。怎么才能找到正确的力道呢?只要站姿是正确的,手臂自然下垂,你就可以通过握把很好地控制力道。 握把的力度要足够紧,这样可以防止手腕反转的影响,但如果你感到了手臂用了力,就不用那么紧了。通过双手增加对握把的施力来增加稳定性而非用手臂力量来增强。 另一个成为好的推杆球员的关键是你能够瞄准你认为应该瞄准的地方,并将球沿着那条线推进。做到这一点的关键是让你的身体刚好依附着目标线。即是你的脚、膝盖、屁股、肩膀还有你的眼睛都与目标线平行。在练习果岭上让你的朋友帮忙看看,或者在脚和球之间的地上放一块镜子,来检查是否平行。 (责任编辑:管理员) |