Establishment and Management of
T-1 Creeping Bentgrass
Written by Doug Brede, Ph.D., breeder of T-1
General Guidelines
Each and every golf course is unique. As breeder of T-1 creeping bentgrass, I developed the following guidelines to serve as a starting point in the management of this remarkable cultivar. These guidelines cover the basics as well as some advanced topics of cultivar management. Do not assume you need to incorporate every one of these recommendations, as T-1 is fairly flexible and accommodates a range of management styles. Sound agronomic judgments will always produce the best performing turf.
· Timing of seeding
· 播种时间
o Bentgrass seed germinates most readily when soil temperatures are warm (above 60ºF/15ºC).
o 翦股颖种子在温度适宜的情况下极易发芽(高于15ºC)。
o If seeded in very warm conditions (above 80ºF / 27ºC air temp), bentgrass will germinate quickly but may need protection from damping-off fungi.
o 如果在高温情况下播种(空气温度高于 27ºC ),翦股颖将会迅速发芽;但这时需要适当保护,防止受腐霉真菌的感染。
§ Seed can be coated with fungicide to provide protection before emergence.
§ 种子可以用杀真菌剂包衣,使其在萌芽前受到保护。
§ In most cases an over-the-top application of fungicide after emergence will be sufficient.
§ 大多数情况下,在种子发芽后多喷施杀真菌剂就足够了。
§ Warm soil temperatures offer the best time to plant if Poa annua seed is present in the soil. Poa annua rarely germinates above 80ºF / 27ºC, hence giving the competitive edge toward bent establishment.
§ 如果土壤中有一年生早熟禾种子,较高的地温是最佳的播种时间,因为一年生早熟禾在温度高于 27ºC时很难发芽。
o Bentgrass can be sown in the cooler months of the year but seed may require 30 days or more to emerge in cold weather. During this interval the surface is vulnerable to erosion.
o 翦股颖可以在一年中比较冷的季节播种,只是种子需要30天或更长的时间才能发芽。在此期间地表极易受到侵蚀。
§ Example: Seed planted in early August might produce a putting green that’s ready for play by June of the next year. However, a green not planted until late September (in Northern areas) may require a full year until it’s ready to open for play.
§ 例如:8月初播种,在来年6月就可以成坪使用。但如果一个果岭在9月末才播种(美国北方地区),可能需要一整年才能投入使用。
o In semi-tropical areas, spring plantings may be problematic in trying to nurse immature seedlings through the summer. This feat can be accomplished but requires skill in irrigation and fungicides. Spring planting may also prolong the time until the grass is ready to play.
o 在亚热带地区,春季播种可能会存在越夏的问题。这个问题也可以克服,但需要在灌溉和杀菌方面的经验和技术。春季播种也会延长草坪投入使用的时间。
· Germination rate
· 发芽率
o T-1 exhibits exceptional seedling vigor. In the 2003 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) greens trial, T-1 was tied for #1 in seedling vigor. Data were averaged across nine university locations from Arizona to Quebec.
o T-1表现出与众不同的种子活力。在2003年NTEP的果岭草坪比中,T-1在种子活力这一项中排名第一。这一数据是来源于从亚里桑那州到魁北克省9个地区的平均数据。
o Superintendent observations:
o 草坪主管的评价:
§ “Germination of T-1 was fast and consistent. It popped in 4 to 5 days.” – Jim Roney, superintendent, Sand Ridge CC, near Cleveland, OH
§ “T-1的发芽迅速而持续。它在4-5天就冒尖了。” – Jim Roney, superintendent, Sand Ridge CC, near Cleveland, OH
§ “T-1 was fast to germinate and filled in aggressively. In no time at all, it was looking great and ready for action. In fact, we opened the tee for play in just 2½ months.” – Joe Lucas, superintendent, Saratoga National Golf Club
§ “T-1发芽迅速并且快速形成覆盖。几乎用不了多长时间,草坪看起来就很漂亮。实际上,仅仅2个半月的时间,T-1建植的果岭就投入使用了。” – Joe Lucas, superintendent, Saratoga National Golf Club
o Because T-1 has a slower vertical growth rate than Penncross or Seaside it may appear to produce less topgrowth during establishment. This is normal.
o 和潘克劳斯或者海滨相比,T-1的垂直生长率要低,因此在成坪过程中顶部生长更少。这很正常。
· Seeding rate
· 播种量
o Optimal rate: 0.75 to 1.5 lbs. of seed per 1000 ft2 (3.7-7.5 g/m2).
o 最佳播量:3.7-7.5 g/m2
o Applying more than 1.5 lbs. seed per 1000 ft –
o 如果播量超过7.5 g/m2 –--
§ Does not make up for seeding errors
§ 并不能弥补播种错误
§ Nor does it allow for the green to open sooner for play. In fact, it may delay opening day because the overly dense plants are immature. Excessive seeding rates produce turf that is less stress tolerant and more susceptible to damping off.
§ 也不会让果岭提前投入使用。实际上,播种过量反而会延迟开业时间,因为过于紧密的植株发育不完全。播种过量也会使草坪抗逆性变差并且更易腐霉枯萎。
· Establishment fertility
· 建植施肥
o Corrective (basic) fertilizer
o 肥料基础数据
§ Do a lab soil test before seeding so that results are in hand prior to establishment day.
§ 在播种前做一个土壤分析,在播种时拿到土壤分析报告。
§ Correct deficiencies in P, K, Mg, and pH via fertilizer amendments as noted on the lab report.
§ 通过土壤分析报告中磷、钾、镁和pH的缺乏情况,确定肥料成分进行校正。
§ Do not try to correct N, or Ca in most cases, or pH’s above 8.5.
§ 多数情况下,无需校正氮和钙以及pH大于8.5的情况。
o Starter fertilizer
o 基肥
§ Apply a balanced starter with a 1-1-1 ratio of N, P2O5, and K2O (example: 10-10-10 or 16-16-160. Apply just before, at, or within 1 week after seeding.
§ N, P2O5和 K2O按1-1-1的比例来施基肥(例如:10-10-10 或 16-16-16。在播种前,播种时或播种后1星期内施用)
§ Apply at 0.75 to 1.5 lbs. of actual nitrogen (N) per 1000 ft2 (3.8 to 7.5 g N/m2). With a 16-16-16 product, this would equate to a rate of 200 to 400 lbs. of fertilizer product per acre. If a farm-grade fertilizer is used, apply only the lower rates to avoid burn.
§ 氮的施用量为3.8 -- 7.5 g N/m2。相当于施用16-16-16的肥料9 -- 18 g /m2,如果施农用肥料,就用最低比例,防止烧苗。
§ Another alternative, if potassium levels are adequate, is to apply a 4-5-1 ratio starter. A product based on mono-ammonium phosphate offers fast nutrient availability with less salt effect.
§ 另一种选择,如果钾元素充足,可施用4-5-1这一比例的基肥。基于磷酸铵的产品能够快速提供养分,较少受盐分影响。
§ Some superintendents prefer a starter with some slow-release N component. Try to avoid using a superphosphate-based P-source, as superphosphate dispenses phosphate slower than seedlings require.
§ 一些草坪主管喜欢用缓释氮肥做基肥。尽量避免使用过磷酸盐,因为过磷酸盐释放磷的速度滞后于种子生长的需要。
§ Generally do not use liquid fertilizer as a starter treatment unless you have had success with this method in the past.
§ 一般不要用液体肥作为基肥,除非你在以前有过类似的成功经验。
o Fertilization from emergence to 4-6 weeks
o 从发芽到4-6周的施肥
§ Apply a 1-1-1 ratio fast-release fertilizer on an every-five-day cycle at 0.3 to 0.5 lbs. N/1000 ft2 (1.5-2.5 g N/m2). Water immediately after applying.
§ 以5天为周期施用1-1-1比例的速效肥,施用量1.5-2.5 g N/m2。施肥后立即浇水。
§ Other acceptable alternatives:
§ 其他可行的选择:
· 6-1-6 ratio fertilizer, with some slow-release nitrogen.
· 6-1-6比例的肥料,同时用一些缓释氮。
· Fertigation (i.e., soluble fertilizer delivered through the irrigation system) applied at 0.3 to 0.5 lbs. N/1000 ft2 (1.5-2.5 g N/m2) every 1 to 2 weeks.
· 每隔1-2周的加肥灌溉(通过灌溉系统的可溶性肥料),施用量为1.5-2.5 g N/m2
· Ammonium sulfate can be substituted during the cooler months as a nitrogen source. Ammonium sulfate also benefits disease control.
· 在寒冷月份硫酸铵可以作为氮的替代品。硫酸铵也有利于病害控制。
§ Seedlings grown on a sand-medium will usually require a foliar micronutrient application by 2 or 3 weeks after emergence.
§ 如果播种介质是沙土,通常需要在发芽后2-3周叶面喷施微量营养素。
o Maintenance fertilizer
o 养护用肥
§ Maintenance fertilization varies depending on whether the growing medium is straight sand, USGA mix, or native soil. Sandier soils will require lighter and more frequent fertilizations and slightly heavier yearly rates.
§ 养护用肥根据草坪生长介质的不同而有所区别(沙土,USGA混合介质或原土)。沙性大的土壤需要少量多施,以后逐年加大用量。
§ Switch from a grow-in to a maintenance fertilizer regime at 4 to 6 weeks after emergence, or when the grass has reached nearly 100% ground coverage. It is important with T-1 to decrease the N fertility input as the stand completely covers the ground.
§ 一般在发芽后4-6周,或者当草坪100%完成地面覆盖后从生长期用肥转换到养护用肥。对T-1来说,当完成地面覆盖后减少氮的施用量是很重要的。
§ Rate
§ 比率
· Apply fertilizer as the grass requires it, not on a calendar schedule (see Maintenance section below).
· 按需施肥,而不是固定的时间表(参看下面养护部分)。
· It is not unusual to end up applying 8-10 lbs. N/1000 ft2 (40-50 g N /m2) over the course of the first growing season. That amount should drop by half in the second year and be even lower in the third.
· 在整个第一个生长季,氮肥的施用量为40-50 g N /m2,到第二年用量减半,第三年更要减少。
§ Fertilizer choices
§ 肥料选择
· Polyon or similar slow-release fertilizer, such as GreensKote 18-3-18, applied at 500 lbs. product per acre.
· Polyon或者类似的缓释肥,例如GreensKote 18-3-18,施用量为22.7 g /m2
· Apply 1-1-1 ratio soluble fertilizer at 0.1 to 0.3 lbs. N/1000 ft2 (1.5-2.5 g N/m2) as needed during the season for quick greening, especially if the stand seems sluggish or there are not enough clippings caught in the buckets.
· 施用1-1-1比例的可溶性肥料,如果植株生长缓慢,为了快速见绿,施用量为1.5-2.5 g N/m2
· Liquid fertilizer sources can be sprayed on the turf or fertigated at label rates.
· 液体肥用于草坪叶面喷施或按商标说明灌施。
· Mulch
· 覆盖
o A light application of wood fiber, clean straw, pellet or other organic mulch can be applied to the surface to:
o 可以用木纤维、干净稻草、 粪粒或其他有机物作地面覆盖以:
§ Aid retention of moisture around the seedlings
§ 帮助发芽期的水分保持
§ Minimize washing of seed during storms
§ 最大限度地减少种子被暴雨冲走
o Some courses remove the straw at 3-4 weeks (raking) while others allow it to decompose.
o 一些球场在3-4周时移走稻草(用耙子);另有一些球场则让它腐烂分解。
o The mulch can be omitted if an auto-irrigation system is used and timings of water are tightly controlled (see below).
o 如果上了自动灌溉系统并且灌溉计时严格控制(见下面),可以不用地面覆盖。
o Some people have had success with a geotextile blanket in lieu of an organic mulch. If you have used these successfully before, you can use them with T-1. Otherwise, I’d recommend sticking with organics.
o 有些草坪主管用土工布代替有机覆盖物,效果也相当不错。如果你以前这么用过,你也可以用在T-1上。不然的话,还是建议依旧用有机覆盖物。
· Mowing
· 修剪
o The first mow should occur as soon as the surface is physically capable of supporting the weight of a mower, without damage. Never let the stand grow to 1 inch (25 mm) tall before mowing.
o 当草坪能够承担剪草机的重量而不受伤害时,可以进行首次修剪。在修剪前绝不能让草坪高度超过25 mm。
o First mowing should be done when there is uniform turf coverage and the plants reach:
o 当草坪长得整齐统一并且达到下述高度时可以进行首次修剪:
§ 0.25 to 0.38 inch (6 to 10 mm) for greens
§ 果岭:6 to 10 mm
§ 0.38 to 0.5 inch (10 to 12 mm) for tees
§ 发球台:10 to 12 mm
§ 0.6 to 0.75 inch (16 to 19 mm) for fairways
§ 球道:16 to 19 mm
o It’s a good idea to run a walk-behind mower across the green with the reels off, once before mowing for the first time, to help solidify the surface.
o Collect the clippings during the first mow and then alternate catching and not catching the clippings until surface coverage reaches 80%. This small amount of added biomass improves wear and reduces ball marking when the course first opens. Use a fiberglass whip as needed to prevent clippings from shading and damaging the surface.
o Never use a riding or triplex mower for the first 4-6 weeks after establishment, until the greens are solid enough to support the weight without tearing. Many superintendents prefer to use only walk-behind mowing the first growing season on greens.
o Lower the mowing height in small increments, every other mow. Ideally, you should reach the desired mowing height by 6 to 8 weeks after first mowing if not sooner.
o The greens should be mowed the first season with smooth front rollers. Grooved rollers should not be used the first year, especially on the clean-up pass.
o Special care should be given depending on the sand particle shape: Round sands tend to shift during establishment causing holes and bare spots. Angular sands pack tighter but can be more abrasive to young plants until a thatch builds.
· Topdressing
· 覆沙
o Light weekly topdressing should be used to help cover the clippings and smooth any surface irregularities.
o 每周定期少量覆沙,使地表平整
o Washed masonry sand with particles from 0.25 to 0.5 mm can be used in place of a sand-organic topdressing during the establishment year, if desired.
o 在初期建植的这一年,如果需要,可以用0.25 到 0.5 mm大小颗粒的水洗砂代替有机沙进行覆沙。
· Irrigation
· 灌溉
o The irrigation system should be checked thoroughly before seeding day. It’s a good idea to water the day before seeding to help firm the sand surface and bring the green to field capacity.
o 在播种前先彻底检查灌溉系统。在播种前一天可以先浇一遍水,使地表沙硬实。
o A green will normally require more irrigation the first week after seeding than thereafter.
o 在播种后的第一周果岭需要勤灌溉,以后相应减少。
o During germination, it is best to irrigate on multiple 5 to 10 minute cycles, spaced out across the daylight hours. The time of run should be watched every day so that NO puddling or washing of seed occurs. If the system is flexible enough, 2 revolutions of the sprinklers every hour is ideal.
o 在发芽期,最好按5-10分钟的倍数一个循环来灌溉。需要每天观察灌溉运行时间,以防止积水或种子被冲走。如果系统足够灵活,喷头每小时旋转2周是很理想的。
o Early irrigating practices are key to success or failure of bentgrass establishment. The critical time for seedling viability is when seedlings are first emerging from the soil. At that point they are at their lowest energy state and even one missed day of irrigation (or rainfall) can mean a spotty stand.
o 早期灌溉是翦股颖建植成败的关键。种子从地里刚露头是它能否存活最重要的时候。这时候幼苗抗性最弱,一天不灌溉(或下雨)就会影响它的生长。
o At around 2 weeks after emergence, gradually switch from very frequent watering to once or twice daily watering.
o 幼苗长出后2周左右,逐渐从频繁灌溉转向一天浇1-2次水。
o By 4-6 weeks after emergence, the green should be on a normal maintenance irrigation schedule (see below).
o 到幼苗长出后4-6周,果岭应该进入正常养护的灌溉程序(看下面)。
· Core aerification and vertical mowing during the establishment year
· 在建植这一年的打孔和梳草
o Core aerification is generally unneeded during the establishment year. In fact, it can cause surface damage if handled roughly, until the sand surface stabilizes.
o 在建植年一般不需要打孔。实际上,如果操作不规范,它会让地表受损。到沙表面稳定后再来打孔。
o Vertical mowing (grooming) is desirable during the establishment year if you notice:
o 如果有下面情况可以考虑梳草:
§ A lot of plants with larger-than-desired leaf widths, and/or
§ 很多植株的叶片宽于期望值,和/或
§ Stolons creeping across the surface into thinner areas.
§ 匍匐茎侵入草坪稀疏区域
· How to tell when a T-1 green is ready for opening
· 怎样判断T-1建植的果岭何时投入使用
o My rule of thumb is to cut a square of turf from the green and –
o 我的经验是从果岭上切下一块草坪并且---
§ Examine it to see whether a mat (cushion) layer has adequately developed
§ 观察草垫层是否已经生长充分
§ Try pulling the square apart. It should be fairly resistant to tearing.
§ 撕这块草坪,应该很难撕开
· Fertilizer
· 肥料
o Yearly nitrogen applications should total 1 to 4 pounds (5-20 g/m2), phosphorous 2 to 3 pounds (10-15 g/m2), and potassium 6 to 10 pounds/1000 ft2 (30-50 g/m2). Higher rates in each range are used with more golf rounds and sandier soils. Likewise, courses with smaller-than-average greens may need to fertilize to compensate for more concentrated wear.
o 年需氮量5-20 g/m2,年需磷量10-15 g/m2,年需钾量30-50 g/m2。球场使用频繁及沙性土壤的情况下都要加大用量。同样地,如果球场果岭比一般的小,也需要施肥来补偿集中践踏的损失。
o T-1 greens up earlier in the spring than most creeping bentgrass cultivars and thus may benefit from an earlier “wake-up” shot of fertilizer. In university trials averaged across 7 sites from Washington State to Virginia, Penncross greened up 86% as strongly as T-1, and Seaside only 65%.
o T-1春季返青比大多数其他匍匐翦股颖要早,因此适用于更早期的返青肥。在从华盛顿州到弗吉尼亚州7个地区的测试中,潘克劳斯和T-1一样返青86%,海滨仅65%。
o T-1 has a naturally dark color that is many shades darker green than all other bentgrass cultivars. And it does not lose its color as readily. Therefore, you are advised to watch the clipping collection buckets rather than relying on color to tell you when to fertilize. But being a dwarf bentgrass strain, T-1 produces less volume of clippings than some other bents. Keep this in mind if you’re used to growing older bents like Penncross and Seaside and gauge your maintenance inputs accordingly.
o 和其他所有翦股颖品种相比,T-1有着更加自然的浓绿色。这种浓绿色轻易不会失去。因此,建议你最好观察桶里剪下的草屑,而不要依靠叶色来判断何时施肥。但是作为一个极矮生的匍匐翦股颖品种,T-1产生的草屑也比其他品种要少。你如果习惯于种植象潘克劳斯和海滨这样的老品种的话,就得注意这些,并且相应地衡量养护方面的投入。
o Micronutrients should be checked via tissue tests during the summer.
o 在夏季,需要通过组织测试来检查它的微量营养素。
o A soil test should be done annually, each year in the same month.
o 每年在相同的月份都要进行土壤测试。
· Mowing
· 修剪
o Common mowing heights for T-1:
o T-1通常的修剪高度:
§ 0.100 to 0.150 inch (2.5 to 4 mm) for greens. One superintendent has successfully maintained T-1 at 0.080 inch, but that is not recommended.
§ 果岭:2.5 -- 4 mm。曾有草坪主管成功地修剪到2 mm,但并不推荐这么做。
§ 0.150 to 0.400 inch (4 to 10 mm) for tees
§ 发球台:4 -- 10 mm
§ 0.250 to 0.500 inch (6 to 12 mm) for fairways
§ 球道:6 -- 12 mm
o Although T-1 is a “Fore-giving” bentgrass, it is not recommended that you skimp on its mowing frequency. A consistent mowing schedule always provides a higher quality turf. Infrequent mowing results in the removal of excessive amounts of leaf tissue and puts the grass under stress. Removal of half of the leaf tissue at a single mowing can result in stunted growth and a stemmy surface.
o 虽然T-1是一个养护要求不高的匍匐翦股颖,但也不建议因此减少修剪频率。频繁的修剪总是会带来高质量的草坪。修剪不勤会剪走大量的叶组织,从而使草坪受到胁迫。一次修剪剪走一半的叶组织会使生长停滞并且草茎外露。
o For greens, mowing 6-7 times weekly is recommended. Mowing less often can be done if reductions in surface quality are acceptable.
o 对果岭来说,建议每周修剪6-7次。如果能接受草坪表面的质量下降,可以减少修剪频率。
o For fairways or tees, mowing 2 to 3 times weekly during the growing season is best.
o 对球道或发球台来说,生长季节每周最好修剪2-3次。
o Changing mowing patterns each day helps eliminate grain and reduce wear and compaction. When triplex greens mowers are used, the final “clean-up” cut around the perimeter of the green should be mowed on alternate days. Some superintendents make this perimeter cut with a walking greens mower to reduce wear and compaction.
o 每天都改变修剪方式能够消除出穗并且减少磨损和挤压。用三联刀果岭剪草机时,围绕果岭周边的最后一剪应该隔天修剪。有些草坪主管用手扶式果岭剪草机修剪果岭周边,以减少草坪的磨损和挤压。
o If fast greens are desired for tournament play, mowing heights can be lowered for a short period. However, other practices such as brushing and verticutting are recommended instead to increase speed of greens. Research has shown that the primary factors influencing putting green speed are: Double mowing (mowing twice per day) and rolling.
o 如果比赛需要快速果岭,可以短时间地降低修剪高度。然而,建议使用别的措施,如刷草和垂直剪草来增加果岭速度。研究表明影响果岭速度的主要因素有:二次修剪(一天修剪两次)和碾压。
· Vertical mowing, grooming, brushing
· 垂直剪草,疏草,刷草
o T-1 generally will require less vertical mowing than “horizontal” varieties like Penncross. Once or twice a month should be adequate in most cases.
o 比起潘克劳斯这样的“水平型”的品种,T-1需要更少的垂直修剪。多数情况下每月1-2次就足够了。
o Groomers may reduce the need to verticut as often. Groomers may be used 1-4 times per week depending the growth and maturity.
o 用疏草机可以减少垂直修剪的次数。根据草坪的生长速度和成熟度,一周疏草1-4次。
o Some superintendents use a deep verticut (Graden) in the spring to remove thatch and dead material. My preference for thatch control is core aerification and topdressing.
o 一些草坪主管在春季运用深度垂直修剪(Graden)来去除枯草层和死东西。对枯草层的控制建议优先选择打孔和覆沙。
o Brushing is another useful maintenance tool. Brushing early in the spring and once a month depending on weather and growth, will increase plant density. Brushes on mowers will do an acceptable job but are not as thorough as a heavier brushing or brooming.
o 刷草是另一个有用的养护工具。早春并且根据天气和生长情况一月一次刷草会增加草坪密度。剪草机上的刷草设备就可以起到作用,但不如深刷或疏草来的彻底。
· Aerification, topdressing
· 打孔,覆沙
o Most golf courses aerate two to three times a year – once in the spring, early summer and fall. Aerification frequency of T-1 is similar to other bentgrasses.
o 大多数球场一年打孔2-3次----春季,早夏和秋季。T-1的打孔频率和别的翦股颖品种一样。
o Because of its lateral vigor, T-1 heals readily after aerification. Therefore, a range of tine sizes can be used from the ¼” solid to 5/8” hollow core. Solid tine, star tines, and Hydro-jet injection also work.
o 由于T-1旺盛的侧向生长,它在打孔后能够很快恢复。因此,它能适应从¼” 到5/8”范围广泛的打孔。
o A divot-recovery trial at Oklahoma State University confirmed the healing rate of T-1. Divots taken June 15th on tee-height T-1 healed 80% by 4 weeks versus 44% for Seaside and 58% for Princeville.
o 在俄克拉荷马州立大学进行的草皮断片恢复测试,证实了T-1强劲的恢复能力。6月15日取样(T台高),4周后T-1恢复了80%,同时海滨恢复了44%,Princeville恢复了58%。
o Superintendent observation: “We had cottage guests at the course who took quite a few wedge shots off our bent test plots, leaving big divots all across the plots. Four weeks later, I was showing a visitor around. The divots were still apparent on most plots but were gone on the T-1 plots. I mean, we could still feel the depressions in the T-1 plots but the divots were filled solid.” – Jim Roney, superintendent, Sand Ridge CC, 0.100 inch mowing
o 草坪主管评价:
o Topdressing styles vary from golf course to golf course. Topdressing is important to smooth the greens from foot traffic and ball marks. T-1 accommodates light weekly applications or heavier monthly applications.
o 每个球场的覆沙风格迥异。覆沙对抚平因脚踩和球印而受影响的果岭很重要。T-1适应于每周的轻覆或每月的重覆。
o The main purpose of topdressing is to dilute thatch. An even blending of topdressing and thatch is the fastest way to stem thatch buildup.
o 覆沙的主要目的是减弱枯草层。
o If thatch thickness is increasing, your options for remedy are –
o 如果枯草层厚度增加,可以采取下列补救措施:
§ Apply less nitrogen per year
§ 每年施少量的氮
§ Apply topdressing more frequently
§ 更加频繁地覆沙
§ Aerify more often
§ 更加频繁地打孔
o It is important to incorporate the topdressing into the plant canopy. Topdressing can be worked into the stand by dragging or brushing, or with the application of water. Remaining small stones and large sand particles should be brushed off the green.
o 覆沙到草坪植株下面很重要,可以通过耙草、疏草或灌溉来实现。剩下的小石子和大沙粒需要清走。
o T-1 has a shoot density that is 2-3 times greater than older bents. Thus it is important to open up the stand before topdressing by use of groomers, verticutting, grooving, slicing, aerification, or spiking. It may also be helpful to specify topdressing sand with fewer large particles (>0.5 mm).
o T-1的草坪密度是老翦股颖品种的2-3倍。因而在覆沙前,需要通过疏草机、垂直剪草、开槽、切片、打孔或钉钉等方式使草坪疏通。在覆沙用的沙子中加入很少量的大沙粒(>0.5 mm)也是很有用的。
· Irrigation
· 灌溉
o Weather conditions and greens construction have major influences on watering. Watering rates vary from 0.05 to 0.3 inches (1.3-7.6 mm) per day depending on temperature, wind, humidity and sunlight. During cooler months, rates are less than 0.1 inch (2.5 mm) of water per day and weekly irrigation may be adequate.
o 气候条件和果岭的建造状况是决定灌溉的主要因素。根据温度、风力、湿度和光照的不同,一天的灌水量从1.3-7.6 mm不等。在较冷季节,灌水量小于2.5 mm,一周灌一次就足够了。
o It is best to irrigate “as needed” rather than on a tightly fixed schedule.
o 最好按需灌溉,而不要坚守固定的灌溉制度。
o Watering every other day or every second day is preferable over daily irrigation. Research from Texas A&M has shown that watering greens every-other day or twice weekly produced a higher quality surface than turf watered daily (weekly water rates being equal).
o 隔天灌或隔两天灌水是可取的。得克萨斯A&M的研究表明,隔天浇水或一周浇两次水比每天浇水的效果要好(周灌水量还是相同的)。
· Plant growth regulators (PGR’s)
· 植物生长调节剂
o T-1 responds well to Primo MAXX (trinexapac-ethyl), Proxy (ethephon), and Trimmit (paclobutrazol). In fact, T-1 gets even darker and more dense with PGR treatment.
o T-1对Primo MAXX (trinexapac-ethyl)、Proxy (ethephon)和Trimmit (paclobutrazol)反应良好。实际上,使用植物生长调节剂,T-1叶色更为浓绿,密度更为紧凑。
o Recovery rate from ball-mark damage can be enhanced by the application of PGR. Studies at Penn State University have shown that growth regulators and bio-stimulants can accelerate ball mark recovery without the need to increase nitrogen fertility, which can reduce green speed.
o 使用植物生长调节剂可以让受损草皮更快恢复。Penn州立大学的研究表明,植物生长调节剂和生物制剂能够促进草皮恢复,而不用增加氮肥使用量。
· Poa annua (annual bluegrass) control
· 一年生早熟禾的控制
o T-1 was bred for improved competitiveness against Poa annua. At Jacklin Seed, we test every bent strain in our breeding program against Poa annua. If it can’t hold up against Poa, we pitch it. All of the plants that went into T-1 excelled at keeping Poa at bay. In fact, they made visible gains against Poa every year
o T-1在抗一年生早熟禾方面表现优异。
o T-1’s Poa annua resistance was confirmed in a fairway-height wear trial at the University of Wisconsin O.J. Noer Center. T-1 maintained less than 7% Poa invasion under heavy simulated-cart wear. Penncross had twice as much Poa annua, Seaside three times as much, and colonial bentgrass four times.
o 威斯康星大学O.J. Noer Center的测试证实了T-1的抗一年生早熟禾能力。在强度很大的践踏情况下,T-1受到不到7%一年生早熟禾的侵入。潘克劳斯是2倍,海滨3倍。
o Paclobutrazol (Trimmit) is a particularly useful tool for enhancing the superior Poa competitiveness of T-1. T-1 responds well to the higher label rates of paclobutrazol on 4 to 6 week intervals throughout early summer. Ethofumisate (Prograss) and bispyribac-sodium (Velocity) are also safe on T-1 at label rates and timings.
· Interseeding T-1 into an existing turf
· T-1的补播
o Interseeding is the introduction of a new grass into existing turf. One of the most challenging surfaces for interseeding is an existing putting green during play. Interseeding in the past was of little value for most golf courses because cultivars were not vigorous enough to compete under these extreme growing conditions. Initial testing has shown that T-1 is in a league by itself in interseeding capability. A separate protocol sheet is being assembled to explain interseeding tips and techniques in detail. The following is a brief description of two techniques for incorporating T-1 seed into existing turf:
o 补播是在已有的草坪上播种。在已有的正在使用的果岭草坪上进行补播是件极具挑战性的事。在过去,补播对大多数球场来说没有什么意义,因为没有在这种极端种植条件下的种子。实验表明T-1具有补播能力,对此有单独的技术数据表明。下面是关于T-1 补播的简单说明。
o Seed 1 to 3 times annually, each time in a different direction
o 一年播种1-3次,每次从不同方向播种
§ Use 2-4 lbs. T-1 seed per 1000 ft2 (10-20 g/m2) per application. Research at Jacklin Seed has shown that establishment rate (i.e., surface area covered by T-1) effectively doubles when seeding rates increase from 1 to 2 lbs. and from 2 to 4 lbs.
§ 每次播量10-20 g/m2。杰克林的实验表明,播种量从5克增加到10克,及从10克增加到20克,T-1的覆盖率(即由T-1覆盖的表面)明显地翻倍。
§ T-1 interseeds best during months when soil temperatures are warmer.
§ T-1在温暖季节补播效果最佳。
§ Vertical mow, aerify, or slit seed to open the stand and allow the seed to reach the soil. Then broadcast seed, topdress, and drag or rake.
§ 垂直剪草,打孔或切口让种子能播到土壤里。然后撒播种子,覆沙并且耙地。
§ Superintendent observation: At Hakone CC in Japan, superintendent Mariko was one of the first to test T-1. He interseeded his Dominant + Poa greens 3 times over 3 years. He asked local university scientists to sample his green and found a T-1 percentage of 87%.
§ 草坪主管评价:
§ Superintendent observation: At Grand National Golf Course in Hinckley, MN, superintendent Steve Benson slit seeded T-1 in two directions with a Gradin slit seeder. He had visible germination in 10 days and fill-in during the first month.
§ 草坪主管评价:
o An alternative method is to interseed at low rates every 2 weeks throughout the growing season, whenever the stand is groomed, spiked, or topdressed.
o 另一种补播方案是:减少播量,在整个生长季,无论何时疏草或覆沙,每两个星期补播一次,。
§ This technique regularly introduces bentgrass seed to the green and is useful for countering the Poa annua “seed bank” in turf soils.
§ Superintendent observation: Mark Kuhns at Baltusrol Golf Club uses this technique. He applies 0.1 to 0.25 lbs. of seed every 2 weeks via a Scotts drop spreader with the spreader gate closed (the spreader leaks bent seed at the proper rate when closed!)
§ A Gandy tip-spiker can also be used to seed. The hopper can be throttled down to low seed application rates.
Information in this fact sheet is provided as a general guideline. It is intended as a starting point in developing a sound management program. T-1 creeping bentgrass is a patent-pending variety, covered under US patent 10/872,697. Unauthorized propagation is prohibited. |