今天偶看到周陆波里面的一张澳洲球场的图片,给人感觉很不错,再追究一下,原来还是公众球场,偶在这里贴出球场的十八洞,同大家分享!设计师是美国的Tom Doak 和 Victorian Mike Clayton。
受篇幅和时间所限,这里只是贴出来前九洞,就算抛砖引玉吧! 更多内容,参考连接为http://www.barnbougledunes.com.au/

Opening A wide landing area for the tee shot is a forgiving introduction to your round. But the immediate risk/reward carry of the bunker on the second shot, and the various slopes feeding the ball away from the front half of the Opening green will alert you to the challenge ahead.

Estuary An apparently simple and wide open hole comes to life when pondering the shot into a very deep and narrow green, with three layers. There is no forgiveness for a wayward approach into the prevailing wind.