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时间:2015-08-10 01:23来源:杨石文 作者:杨石文 点击:
设计出能经得住时间考验高尔夫球场 ,---真实、简单、温暖的高尔夫家园!

访海南神州高尔夫球会球场设计师Tom Weiskopf




高缘网有幸通过海南神州高尔夫球会的公关公司(Impactasia),采访到了担任神州高尔夫球场设计的设计师Tom Weiskopf,听听他是怎么样去设计这个球场。


1. 你的设计哲学是什么?

What’s your design philosophy?


My philosophy, simply put, is to design a course that will stand the test of time and pay dividends for generations to come.  I do this by never forcing any strategic concept upon the land.  At the same time I feel the course should be enjoyable to play for the higher handicapped golf, yet provide a good challenge to the lower handicapped golfer and the professionals that play.


2. 在你所有的球场作品中,你最喜欢哪个球场?能否跟我们描述一下这个球场?

In all the golf courses you have designed, which one is your favorite? Could you describe it?

我最喜欢的球场是罗蒙湖球场(Loch Lomond),位于苏格兰西部的一个平原疏林球场。上个礼拜我在苏格兰为ESPN录制高尔夫公开赛的电视节目,顺便去拜访了罗蒙湖, 它那沿着苏格兰最迷人的海湾蜿蜒前行的果岭,对于一个像我一样的球场设计师来说,简直如同梦境般让人心醉,Loch Lomond球场有很多参天大树,多条天然溪流穿过球场,优质植被将各个球洞清晰分隔开,而最值得称颂的,当属罗斯德胡城堡(Rossdhu House)的设置,这座宏伟瑰丽的城堡可以追溯到1772年,是整个球会俱乐部和球场的耀眼焦点。

罗蒙湖球场在过去数年里获得过许多的奖项,这同样让我感到自豪,包括被评为英国及爱尔兰最佳内陆球场。同时,它还入选了《高尔夫大师》(Golf Digest)评选出的全球高尔夫球场100强,并很荣幸的位于第11位,这些都是莫大的鼓励。


It is Loch Lomond, a parkland golf course, located on the west coast of Scotland.  I just visited the course last week while I was over in Scotland working for ESPN on the telecast of Open Championship. This was a dream site for me as a golf course designer, with it’s setting along one of most picturesque lochs in Scotland …Loch Lomond. The property has large mature trees, natural streams running through out the course, excellent vegetation separating the holes and to compliment its unique setting is the majestic Rossdhu House, which dates back to 1772, is the focal point for the clubhouse and golf course.

The course has also received many great awards over the years of which I am certainly very proud of, including being voted the best “in land” course in Great Britain and Ireland. Also, it was voted 11th in World, by Golf Digest, which is always an honor to be on their top 100 list of courses in the world.

Loch Lomond has also hosted the Scottish Open for the past 14 years and it consistently receives high praise from many of the professionals who have participated in this great tournament.  I have to say that getting compliments from my peers is the ultimate honor for me, as the designer of this great golf course.  


3.  你作为一个伟大的设计师,在美国以及欧洲的一些国家,已设计了很多优秀的高尔夫球场,但中国很多人可能对你并不熟悉,是什么原因使业主放弃了很多中国已经取得成功的球场设计师,让你来设计这个球场项目?

As such an outstanding designer, you had lots of excellent masterpieces in U.S and Europe, however not that many Chinese are familiar to you. What do you think make the owner choose you as the Shenzhou Peninsula Golf Course designer?

嗯,这是个有意思的问题,我想其中一个主要原因是我设计了罗蒙湖球场(Loch Lomond)。中信泰富的董事长也是罗蒙湖球会的会员,那是他第一次看到我设计的球场,然后我们的工作室便接到了他在海南岛的项目组打来的电话。从那时起,我们便时常联系,讨论这个位于神州半岛的项目整体概念,我很清楚的了解到中信泰富这个项目的目标是打造中国最好的综合娱乐度假区。于是我安排了时间去和业主见面,并在第二周就前往神州半岛考察场地。我和我的高级设计团队Phil Smith一起飞到海南岛,事实上,我们当时看了两块备选土地,但是我很快便做出了决定,我第一眼看到神州半岛沿海那片低地和天然沙丘的时候,我就知道那正是我所寻找的地方,那里便是现在两块球场的所在地。我很感谢和中信泰富集团的这次宝贵合作机会,我也非常期待在2011年两个球场都开放后,能亲自去尝试一下。

Well that is an interesting question and I think one of main answers is because of my involvement with Loch Lomond.  The Chairman of CITIC Pacifc was also a member at Loch Lomond and this is where he first saw my design work. My office received a call from the planning group that was working on his project on Hainan Island. After which, we made contact and discussed the concept for developing this the property that was located on Shenzhou Peninsula, I was very entreged with what I heard and knew that the goal for Citic Pacific was for this project was to ultimately be the best in China. I scheduled a visit to meet the owner and see the site the very next week. I and my Senior Design Associate, Phil Smith, flew over to Hainan Island and while there actually looked at two sites that was considering for his development. The choice for me was very easy and once I saw the site down in the lower area on the Shenzhou Peninsula along the ocean and with all the natural sand dunes, I knew that is where I wanted to design the two courses that are now part of The Dunes Golf Club.

I am very thankful to Citic Pacific for this great opportunity and look forward to playing both courses when they open in 2011.

