One of the toughest challenges in golf architecture helping the clients to visualize your proposals or plans. Both can explain ideas, but an image is the most powerful tool to demonstrate what it is you wish to achieve. In my time as a golf architect, I have often used photo manipulation to demonstrate to clubs and members exactly what they can expect on their golf course. Once they understand my vision through these digital images, they are more comfortable in making a decision on the work presented. I now present before and after images to every membership I work with. It's surprisingly inexpensive and very effective.
高尔夫球场建造 高尔夫球架构最艰难的挑战之一在于帮助客户可视化你的建议或计划。两者都可以表达这些理念,但图像是能阐述“你想达成什么”的最有力工具。在我作为一名高尔夫建筑师期间,我经常通过图片处理向俱乐部和会员们精确演示他们可以在自己的高尔夫球场上预期些什么。一旦让他们通过这些数字图像理解了我的设想,他们就更容易在呈交的工作中作出判断。我现在为每一个和我一起工作的会员提供处理之前和处理之后的图像。它是惊人的廉价且非常高效。
Some of my work is below. All of these images were completed between 5 minutes and 15 minutes . The technique has taken me time to prefect, but I think you will agree that these "quick" images are very effective all the same.以下是我的部分作品。所有的这些图像都是在5-15分钟之内完成的。这项技术需要我花时间去完善,但我认为你也会觉得这些速成的图像是非常有效的。
I produced a before and after for Taconic Golf Club after I was interviewed. It was the best way to explain what I meant by tree removal and restoration of the bunker. 在我接受采访之后,我给塔科尼克高尔夫球俱乐部做了改造前后的两张图片,它很好的表达了我所想要阐明的树木移除及砂坑重建理念。
This is the before photo...这是张处理之前图像… ..
... and this is after computer manipulation. ...这张是计算机处理后的图像。
The following pictures were part of my presentation to the greens committee at Scarboro Golf & Country Club. I wanted to explain the need to remove the tree and renovate the bunkering to reflect Tillinghast's strong desire to always have sweeping fairways. 我想借助此图像 表达移除树木和重塑砂坑的必要性,从而体现蒂林哈斯特固有的对于循环球道的强烈追求。
This is the existing hole today.... 这张是现在这个洞的样子……
This is the hole after tree removal and rebunkering. 这张是该洞树木移除和沙坑重建后的效果图。