首届华彬“友好杯”——2008中韩高尔夫争霸赛  敬邀您拨冗参赛 The 1st Pine Valley Friendship Cup - Sino-Korea Golf Match Play        为促进中韩两国会员的友好交流与合作,答谢韩国会员的鼎力支持,首届华彬“友好杯”2008中韩高尔夫争霸赛将于2008年11月1日~2日隆重开赛。本次比赛仅限华彬会员参加!  In order to promote the friendly exchangecooperation between ChinaKoreasend our appreciation to the Korea members, the 1st Pine Valley Friendship Cup - Sino-Korea Golf Match Play will be held on November 1st in Pine Valley Golf Club.       高尔夫将成为中韩会员的交流语言,微笑和友谊将成为此次比赛的主题!此项赛事也将发展为俱乐部一年一度的传统赛事。
Golf will be emerged as a new communication language between ChineseKorean members, while smilefriendship will be the theme of this match, this tournament will be developed as the annual traditional event in Pine Valley Country Club.
   首届比赛仅限36席珍贵席位,敬邀您拨冗参赛。 This match will only have 36 precious seats, we sincerely invite you to attend this tournament.
第一轮 The 1st round |
第二轮 The 2nd round |
When |
November 1st, 2008 |
November 2nd, 2008 |
Where |
Nicklaus Course |
Golden Bear Course |
Competition Regulation
And System |
Four-ball Match play(best ball) |
Four-ball Match play(best ball) |
     参赛人数:中国籍记名会员(16人)、韩国籍记名会员(16人)          Participants: 16 nominee members from China, 16 nominee members from South Korea
 计分方式:胜者得1分、负者得0分、和则各得0.5分,总分高者为获胜队          Score: Winner can earn 1 point, loser can earn 0 point, if get a tie, the both parties can earn 0.5 point, who win the highest gross score will be the winner team.
比赛规则:比赛中使用由圣安德鲁斯皇家古老高尔夫俱乐部制定的《高尔夫球规则》及华彬高尔夫俱乐部的当地规则(详见记分卡背面)。 Regulations: This match will use the Golf Rules formulated by the St. Andrews Royal & Ancient Golf Clubthe Local Rules made by Reignwood Pine Valley Golf Club (More details can be found in the back of scorecard).
(责任编辑:管理员) |