- (i)呼吁报名参赛 (ii)征求赞助 本会从1990年开始举行会员高尔夫球锦标赛,宗旨为邀请会员切磋球艺,促进交流与联系。每位参赛者皆可获得由本会董事及会员赞助的丰富赠品。同时,本会也于球赛结束后举行的颁奖仪式及晚餐聚会里进行幸运抽奖,务使参赛者们满载而归。本会订于2012年10月3日举行本年度会员高尔夫球锦标赛,详情如下: 日期 : 3日-10月-2012(星期三) 开球时间 : 下午1时正 集合时间 : 中午12时45分(拍摄全体照) 晚餐时间 : 傍晚7时 地点 : Palm Garden Golf Club, IOI Resort City, 62502 Putrajaya. 报名费 : 每位参赛者RM400 ** 包含Green, Buggy & Caddy Fee、保险费用、轻便午餐及晚餐费用 (支票抬头请注明 “KLSCCCI”) 截止日期 : 19-9月-2012(星期三) 征求现金赞助 : 每赞助现金RM1,000,获1个参赛名额(包含高尔夫球配套及膳食安排),赞助现金RM2,000,获2个参赛名额,以此类推。 本会已连续6年邀请来自吉隆坡及雪兰莪警察总部的代表,参与本会的年度高尔夫球锦标赛,以加强警民的交流及合作。本会计划再次邀请警方代表参加本届球赛。 特此呼吁及邀请会员们(i)踊跃报名参加球赛;以及(ii)赞助球赛现金经费 / 幸运抽奖奖品 / 赠品。 附上锦标赛报名表格及简章。凡有意参加者,请于2012年9月19日(星期三)前,把填具表格及报名费呈交本会秘书处,以利安排。任何询问,请联络本会秘书处陈小姐(Peggy Chin),电话: 03-4253 2135;传真: 03-4253 2524 / 0;电邮: chinsw@chinesechamber.org.my。 We are pleased to inform that the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (KLSCCCI) had successfully organized the Golf Championships since year 1990. Abundant goodies had been sponsored by KLSCCCI's Council Members and Members for all participants. Meanwhile, splendour lucky draw prizes had been arranged for lucky participants. In view of the overwhelming support from members and supporters in the past Annual Golf Championships, KLSCCCI will organize the Golf Championship for the 23rd time on 3rd October 2012 at Palm Garden Golf Club. Details are as follows: Date :3-10-2012 (Wednesday) Tee-off time : 1.00 p.m. Group photograph session : 12.45 p.m. Dinner time : 7.00 p.m. Venue : Palm Garden Golf Club, IOI Resort City, 62502 Putrajaya. Registration fee : RM400 per golfer ** Inclusive of Green, Buggy & Caddy Fee, Insurance, Light Lunch & Dinner (Crossed cheque made payable to “KLSCCCI”) Closing date :19-9-2012 (Wednesday) To appeal for cash sponsorship :For each cash sponsorship of RM1,000, a representative of sponsor will entitled to join the Golf Championship (Inclusive of Golf Package and Meal Arrangements). KLSCCCI had invited the representatives of the Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Kuala Lumpur and Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Selangor to participate in the previous Golf Championship respectively for the past 6 years. KLSCCCI is inviting the representatives of the above contingent again to join this year’s Championship. In this regard, we cordially invite all members (i) to participate in the Golf Championship; and (ii) to sponsor Cash / the Lucky Draw Prizes / the Goodies for the Championship. Enclosed herewith is a set of registration form and rules & regulations of the Championship. Members who are interested may fill up the registration form with the registration fee and return the same to the KLSCCCI's Secretariat before 19th September 2012 (Wednesday). For further information, please contact Ms. Peggy Chin at Tel: 03-4253 2135; Fax: 03-4253 2524 / 0; E-mail: chinsw@chinesechamber.org.my. (责任编辑:管理员) |