2011马来西亚商会上海分会高尔夫球业余邀请赛 地点:上海市市辖区青浦区, 时间:2011年09月02日 星期五 10:02 - 2011年09月02日 星期五 17:02 发起人:HARIMAU GOLF CLUB MAYCHAM Shanghai annual regular golf event, "One World One Earth One Life" 2011 Golf Tour will be teed off again on Friday, 2 September 2011. The participating guests include Consulate General of Malaysia in Shanghai, businessmen and high profile entrepreneurs in China and members from other Chambers. 马来西亚商会上海分会一年一度的高尔夫活动“同一个世界,同一个地球,同一个生活" 2011高尔夫邀请赛将于2011年9月2日再次拉开帷幕。应邀嘉宾包括来自马来西亚驻上海总领事馆人士,中国高端商务人士以及其他商会人士等。 However, we cannot make this happen without your support. Therefore, we kindly seek your sponsorship. In return, sponsors will be given the opportunity to promote the image of their companies, introduce their products and services to the audience during the day. We would be grateful if you could support this event no matter how small the sponsorship. 然而,这次活动的成功离不开您的支持。因此,我们诚挚的邀请您参与本次活动赞助。作为回报,赞助方当天将有向各位来宾展示其企业形象、推介产品和服务的机会。对您的赞助支持,无论多少,我们都将心怀感激。 (责任编辑:管理员) |