我相信奥古斯塔国家俱乐部是众多高尔夫球友非常向往的高尔夫圣地之一,但除非你认识俱乐部的会员,不然很难踏入这个全世界最严格的会员制高尔夫俱乐部享受挥杆的乐趣。如果想参观奥古斯塔国家俱乐部,也只能在四月第一周的美国大师赛期间购票入场。问题是美国大师赛也是一票难求,一张面额250美金的票价格居然被炒到3000美金,所以想参观奥古斯塔球场就必须付出高昂的代价。以下是京城高尔夫网总结的奥古斯塔十大约定俗成规定!这篇观赛指南你得保留好,它将助你提高观赛的效率,让你在数万人中舒服的欣赏一场全世界最顶级的赛事。看一场高尔夫比赛多少?为什么美国大师赛门票这么贵? 奥古斯塔高尔夫俱乐部最疯狂的十戒 1.高尔夫解说员:别作秀 四月份的这场大赛无疑是最受关注的,它已经成为一个传统,解说员安静的音调是这个比赛所独有的。为什么大师赛时高尔夫解说员会成众矢之的?那要问问杰克-维塔克,他在1966年的报道中将大师赛的机会指作“乌合之众”,结果直接被从奥古斯塔国际播报的项目中免职;无独有偶,加里-麦考德在1994年的报道中将平滑的果岭比喻成比基尼,他也遭遇了同样的命运。在大师赛说敏感词汇是可以的,但只限于路边的花花草草。 Announcers: Don't be cute What's wrong with an announcer at the Masters occasionally pushing the envelope? Ask Jack Whitaker, who in 1966 referred to the Masters galleries as a "mob scene" and was removed from his Augusta National broadcasting duties; or Gary McCord (left), who suffered the same fate when in 1994 he said the greens were smoothed with "bikini wax." Colorful language is OK at the Masters, provided you're just talking about the azaleas. 2.高尔夫解说员:别把赞助商当球迷 大家都说参与大师赛可能会是一次改革性的经历。比如说,你可能觉得你是个球迷,但是你确实是以赞助人的身份参加的。虽然只是语义上的差别,但是有了他们才能让大师赛运转起来,他们才是球迷们的归属。 Announcers: Don't call them fans They say attending the Masters can be a transformative experience. For example, you may think you're going as a "fan", but you're actually going as a "patron." The difference is mostly semantic, but it's one the club is adamant about because it establishes a Masters attendee as a valued customer for the day. 3.球迷:禁止树下小憩 实际上,奥古斯塔国际的规定比这要严格的多。球迷,即使是赞助商都不能在球场树下休憩小睡,因为球场寸草寸金。即便是离球场远远的也不行。 Fans: Don't nap Actually, Augusta National's rules are even stricter than that. Fans -- sorry, patrons -- aren't even allowed to lay down on the grounds' luscious grass. People who lean too far back, even on the hillside underneath the sixth tee box, are told to sit up straight. Kind of takes you back to your days in kindergarten. . . 4.宾客:没有小费 奥古斯塔国际球场不允许支付小费,这对宾客们是件好事。这个规定来源于奥古斯塔国际球场的合作创立人克里佛-罗伯特,他认为不应该由支付的小费金额来决定服务质量。 Guests: No tipPing Augusta National doesn't allow tipping, which is good news for the member or guest light on cash that day. The rule stems from Augusta National co-founder Clifford Roberts' belief that a member shouldn't be given special treatment over another because of how much they tip. But according to Ron Sirak in his April 2003 Golf Digest story, "What's it Like To Be A Member," club employees aren't slighted. Sirak writes, "No tipping is allowed, but (club co-founder Clifford) Roberts was known to intervene if a caddie was underpaid and always told guests to 'pay what you think he was worth,' which almost always ensured a healthy remuneration." 5.球迷:禁止脱鞋 和禁止树下小憩相仿,宾客们如果被看到赤足在球场内行走会被工作人员提醒。 Fans: Don't take off your shoes Similar to the no-laying-down rule, patrons who are spotted barefoot (here, Caroline Wozniacki gets away with it following Rory McIlroy in Dubai) are promptly instructed to put their shoes back on, even if they are sitting down. We're guessing Augusta National co-founder Bobby Jones didn't own too many pairs of sandals 6.球手:不能向后戴球帽 里奇-福勒开了向后戴球帽的先河。在2011年比赛时,他被要求将球帽戴正。在鹌鹑谷的一次比赛时,里奇遇到了同样的事情。所以奥古斯塔国际球场并不是头一个这样要求的球场。至少俱乐部许可人们吃口香糖。 Players: No Backwards hats Rickie Fowler found this out in 2011, when he was asked to turn his hat forward before conducting a pre-tournament press conference. Fowler was reportedly told to do the same thing later that year at Quail Hollow, so Augusta National isn't alone when it comes to this rule. At least the club allows people to chew gum. At least, we think that's the case. . . 7.球迷:禁止跑跳(No Running) 尽管这是一个常见的场景,一次在奥古斯塔比赛进行时,球迷一阵奔跑将椅子撞到,球场内一阵混乱。所以奥古斯塔国际俱乐部严格禁止球场内奔跑,还是将体力留到奥运会上去吧。 fans: Don't run When the gates open for spectators each day at the Masters, there is a rush for patrons to plop their chairs down alongside popular spots like the 16th and 18th greens, first come, first served. The problem is Augusta National strictly forbids running, giving way to the best speedwalking display outside of the Olympic Games. 8.球迷:禁止手机,相机,或者任何电子器材 虽然近几年PGA巡回赛允许了在赛场上使用手机,但是奥古斯塔国际俱乐部还是态度很严肃,这个规则不仅仅是对观众而言,包括所有在场地上的人员,工作人员和参赛的运动员。去年伊恩-保尔特Ian Poulter和格拉美-麦克道维尔Graeme McDowell 因此遭到训斥。所以球迷们在进球场前一定记得把手机留在车里,否则有你的苦头吃。你要问如果有紧急事故怎么办?别着急,奥古斯塔国际球场里有一大堆的付费电话亭。 Fans: No cell phones While the PGA Tour has decided to permit these on the course in recent years, Augusta National has stood firm -- even when it comes to the media -- during the Masters. If you plan on attending as a fan, don't forget to leave your phone in the car or it will be a long walk back and another long wait in line before you can enter the course. Need to make an emergency call? Don't worry, Augusta National has the largest bank of payphones remaining in the country. 9.宾客:不要妄想做会员 你根本不用浪费时间去询问如何加入奥古斯塔国际高尔夫俱乐部。你必须被现有的会员提名,当然是在有名额的前提下,也就是说,俱乐部不会受理任何入会申请直到现有的会员退会(绝对不可能)或者死亡。会员的总数控制在300人左右。只有你看上去不想拼命加入,才能被邀请,用拼命乞求的方式是绝对不可能入会的。最出名的例子是比尔.盖茨, 多年来他公开乞求加入奥古斯塔高尔夫俱乐部,直到2002年,他才被批准加入。 Guests: Don't ask to be a member Do you really, really want to be a member at Augusta National? Good, just don't tell anyone that. The club's membership is selected by invitation only, so don't bother looking for an application by the front desk. And if you want to be invited, it's best to keep that to yourself. Although he's an Augusta National member now, billionaire Bill Gates' invitation was reportedly withheld for several years specifically because he spoke freely about wanting to join the club. 10.球迷:不要占别人的座位 在专门店购买纪念品时有件商品是不可少的,那就是观赛用的折叠椅。折叠椅除了累了可以休息之外,在大师赛还有一项非常重要的功能——“占位置”。我们可以一早到球场,先将折叠椅放在你最喜欢的位置,一旦占好位置绝对不会有人移动你的椅子,这是大师赛令人佩服的特点。折叠椅后面有个位置可以插入名片或写上自己的名字,这样就不会坐错位置了。球场内虽然有大型的看台在发球台或果岭边,但是大部分好的观赛区域都留给了折叠椅,如果你想多占些好位置,那你就多买几只折叠椅,这样就可以达到目的! Fans: No stealing anyone's seats In this "you snooze, you lose" culture, one might think a vacated chair around the 18th green is fair game. Not at Augusta National, where fans are known to rush in the early morning to plop their chairs down around the green, then not return to the course for several hours. What would happen if you just took one of those empty seats for yourself? You might be given a new seat 观赛贴士 穿什么: 四月初的奥古斯塔温差较大,温度在8~25度之间,如果碰到下雨,温度会低于10度,若不确定是否下雨,最好携带冬季服装和雨具。若是艳阳高照,则建议穿着短裤看球。奥古斯塔的紫外线非常厉害,一定要做好防晒措施,另外强烈建议穿高尔夫球鞋进场,以防止滑倒。 吃什么: 你不需要带任何食品进球场,奥古斯塔球场内设有非常多的食品销售点,早上十点前供应早餐,供应的食品价格都非常便宜,例如花生、饼干、巧克力、薯片等零食和香蕉都只要1美金,三明治和汉堡只要2.5美金,矿泉水、可乐和柠檬水等饮料1.5美金,啤酒也就3美金。 (责任编辑:管理员) |