佛莱德里克 REDRIK JACOBSON 全名:佛莱德里克 REDRIK JACOBSON 身高: 6'1" 生日: 9/26/1974 国籍:瑞典 职业胜利: 1 转入职业赛: 1994 10岁时,佛莱德里克在俱乐部中是一个大有希望的冰球运动员,但他也是当地整个贾克布森家族中唯一的一位职业高尔夫球手。15岁的佛莱德里克在五年之后获得了参加比赛的资格。14-15岁时,他在瑞典乒乓球排行榜中名列第30位。在2007 年的20场PGA巡回赛比赛中,他15次荣登排行榜,其中5次进入前十名。在1994年转为职业球手之前,他曾多次获得过业余高尔夫比赛的冠军。2008 年,佛莱德里克在PGA巡回赛上获得了自己的最好成绩,奖金超过150万美元。他在所参加的24场比赛中,9次进过前25名,包括3次打进前十名。他的最好成绩是在AT&T全国锦标赛中获得亚军。 Fredrik Jacobson, a native of Sweden, uses an Odyssey putter and had three top-10 finishes in the regular 2010 PGA Tour season, including a second place run at the Valero Texas Open. He is using a Diablo Octane Tour Driver on the PGA Tour in 2011. Fredrik was a promising ice hockey player at age 10, but one of the players at his club was also the local golf pro who taught the entire Jacobson family to play golf. Fredrik reached scratch five years later. At age 14-15, he was ranked in the top-30 in Swedish table tennis. He won several amateur golf titles before turning pro in 1994. Fredrik has three international victories; the 2003 Omega Hong Kong Open, the Algarve Open de Portugal and the Volvo Masters. He is just one of three players since 2003 to post four rounds in the 60s at The Honda Classic, shooting four consecutive 69s to finish T6. (责任编辑:管理员) |