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时间:2015-11-11 09:56来源:高尔夫百科 作者:京城高尔夫 点击:
真 高兴,我又回来了!重新来到,继续交流学习! 迫于大趋势的压力,我关注到一种草,细羊茅,据说极耐旱,抗寒,但是不耐热。觉得有些奇怪,耐热抗旱不同步,不知道大家
       真 高兴,我又回来了!重新来到高缘网,继续交流学习!
Advantages 优势:
+ quick germination (but may establish slowly) 萌发快(但是可能成坪慢)
+ fine leaf texture 叶片纤细
+ high leaf density 叶片稠密
+ prefers low nitrogen fertility 较低氮肥需求
+ tolerates poor (rocky, sandy, clay) soil conditions 耐贫瘠,可在石地、沙地、粘地生长
+ drought resistant (but will go dormant) 抗旱强(但是会发生休眠)
+ moderate to very good salt tolerance (6-10 mmhos/cm) 中度耐盐(6-10 mmhos/cm)EC值,可溶性盐浓度,正常范围1-4 mmhos/cm
+ good to very good shade tolerance 耐荫性好或者非常好
+ very cold tolerant 非常耐寒
+ EXCELLENT high elevation/mountain grass 非常好的高海拔或山地草种
Disadvantages 劣势:
- moderate wear tolerance (NOT for constant high traffic areas) 中度耐践踏(频繁践踏区域不适合种植)
- slower to recuperate from traffic injury 损伤后恢复较慢
- can become thatchy 易产生枯草层
- may be difficult to mow (lodges; "tough" leaves) 可能修剪困难(“硬质”叶片)
- may go dormant during extended (1-2 weeks) heat (90s +) 连续(1-2周)极端高温(32℃以上)时会发生休眠
- some are susceptible to red thread, leafspot, and dollarspot 一些品种易感染红丝病、叶斑病、币斑病
Types 种类
Hard fescue (Festuca longifolia or duriuscula) is gaining wider use due to its better heat tolerance, relative to the other fine fescues. This better tolerance to warm summer conditions makes it especially well suited to use in the Front Range of Colorado. As with the other fine fescues, hard fescue performs best with minimal nitrogen fertilization and when soil is kept on the drier side (but supplemental irrigation IS required to keep a good hard fescue lawn in Colorado). This is a bunch grass, so uniform seeding at establishment is essential for obtaining a good quality lawn.
硬羊茅(Festuca longifolia or duriuscula)与其他细羊茅相比,更加耐热,所以应用较为广泛。由于其对温暖夏季气候适应较好,硬羊茅在科罗拉多州的Front Range 地区适应良好。同其他细羊茅一样,硬羊茅种植在干旱土壤中,只需要极低的氮肥就能表现很好(但是在科罗拉多州,若要获得一个好的硬羊茅草坪状态需要补充灌溉)。硬羊茅是丛生型,所以为了获得一个高质量的草坪,建植草坪时播种均匀一致特别重要。
Chewings fescue (Festuca rubra subp. commutata), named after George Chewings of New Zealand (who discovered and first sold the seed of this species in the late 1800s), is typical of the fine fescues in that it possesses excellent shade tolerance. It has a darker green color and very fine texture, resulting in a very good quality turf. This species does not creep, so uniform seeding is essential.
邱氏羊茅(Festuca rubra subp. commutata)由新西兰的George Chewings 命名(他在19世纪后期发现并且第一次销售这个品种的种子),其耐荫性在细羊茅中表现特别好。邱氏羊茅叶片深绿色,叶片质地非常细腻,因此能形成一个非常高质量的草坪。这个种无根茎,因此为了获得高质量的草坪,播种一致非常重要。
Creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra subp. rubra) is a creeping fine fescue (has rhizomes) that has been used in shady lawn seed mixtures for years (‘Pennlawn’ was commonly used a number of years ago). A “common type” (possessing lesser turf qualities), grown in large amounts in Canada is sold in lower quality, less expensive seed mixes (sometimes called ‘Boreal’ in these mixes). Improved cultivars, sometimes referred to as “strong creeping red fescue”, are produced in the Pacific Northwest, with a few being imported from Europe.
匍匐紫羊茅(Festuca rubra subp. rubra)是一种匍匐型细羊茅(具有根茎),多年来用于耐荫草坪混播(“Pennlawn”就是多年来广泛使用的品种)。一个名为 “普通型”(形成草坪质量较低)品种组合,在加拿大广泛种植,由于是廉价混合种,草坪质量较低有时称作“Boreal”。有时被称作“强壮匍匐紫羊茅”的一个细羊茅改良品种,主产地在太平洋西北部,有一些从欧洲进口过来。
Slender creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra subp. litoralis) produces rhizomes, but is not as vigorous a grower as (strong) creeping red fescue. These fescues are tolerant of lower mowing heights, which can allow their use in golf course fairways. However, the biggest advantage of fine fescues in this grouping lies in their generally good to excellent salinity tolerance. This makes them attractive for use where deicing salts are aggressively used. Their fine texture and compatible color allow them to be mixed with alkaligrass (Puccinellia distans). ‘Fults’ is the most commonly planted alkaligrass variety) for use on salty soils.
细茎匍匐紫羊茅(Festuca rubra subp. litoralis)具有根茎,但是不如强匍匐紫羊茅那样强壮。这类草坪耐低修剪,可用作高尔夫球道草。细茎匍匐紫羊茅最大优势在于其出色的耐盐性。这个特性使得它们常用于大量使用融雪剂的地区,其纤细的叶片和兼容的色泽允许它们能与碱茅混播,“Fults”是盐地最常用的碱茅品种。
Sheep fescue (Festuca ovina), sometimes called “blue sheep fescue” is generally used in lower maintenance lawns, performing especially well in infrequently- or un-mowed, naturalized lawn areas. They are long-lived bunch grasses that mix well with wildflowers, without dominating them. Some sheep fescues have been developed to produce a blue-green or glaucous green color (Azay Blue, SR3200), while others are more powder blue or “flat” blue in color (Azay, Quatro).
羊茅(Festuca ovina),有时被称作“蓝羊茅”,多用于较低养护水平的草坪,在极少修剪或不修剪,自然生长的条件下表现特别好。羊茅属于多年生丛生植物,能与野花很好的混合,不会抢占野花的风头。已形成一些具有特殊颜色羊茅品种,如蓝绿色或被白粉的绿色品种(Azay Blue, SR3200),蓝粉色或浅蓝色品种(Azay, Quatro)。


作者:徐玉芹  高缘网特约翻译组成员       转载请注明来自高缘网