会员通知 亲爱的会员:您好! 为向大家提供更加优质与便捷的服务,都市名人重新选址,设备更加先进,更具现代气息。 新店同样提供高尔夫教学、球具零售、工房及练习打位等服务。 为庆贺都市名人乔迁新址,于12月10日至12月27日进行产品特卖。 正式闭店日期为12月28日,新店将于2012年1月10日开业。 在此,我们诚挚的感谢新老朋友对俱乐部的支持! 希望您能亲身体验一下新店的先进设施及北京都市名人高尔夫俱乐部全体员工带给您的贴心服务! 新店地址:北京市朝阳区三里屯幸福二村40号楼耀莱广场A座地下一层 详询致电:85150518 NOTICE TO MEMBERS Dear members, we have exciting news, wewill be re-locating to a brand new modern indoor golf centre in the heart ofdowntown Beijing。 Located in the San Li Tun area we willprovide you with a more convenient & more easily accessible location toenhance your golfing experience。 We will continue to offer all the greatservices that we currently do with golf instruction, retail sales, work shopservices as well as golf practice area。 As a part of our celebrations we will offera huge sale in our current centre from Dec 10th until our closingdate of Dec 27th 2011. Come & experience some great savings。 Central Golf Beijing in Oriental Plaza willbe closed at December 28th。 Our new centre will open on Jan 10th 2012. Address: Underground of Building A, SparkleRoll Plaza, Building 40 Xingfu Er Cun, Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, Beijing We are looking forward to welcoming you toour new & improved centre。 Please call 8515 0518 for more details。 (责任编辑:管理员) |