郑重声明 近来,我珠海万盛乡村俱乐部注意到:1872高球网会同中国工商银行(亚洲)及湖南英皇商务技术有限公司联合发行了一款信用卡,该信用卡持有者可以享受各高尔夫球会的特别优惠,其中有涉及到我俱乐部。在此,我们珠海万盛乡村俱乐部特别澄清:我俱乐部与上述三间公司之间没有签订任何优惠促销协议。所以,我部不承认也不可能提供该信用卡广告中声称的有关我部任何优惠促销价格。同时,如果以上相关公司发行此信用卡给我部带来任何损失,我部将保留追究的权利! Notice Regarding the ICBC (Asia)/ 1872 Golf Credit Card: We hereby would like to clarify that Pine Valley Sports & Country Club does not have an agreement with 1872 golf network and neither do we have any agreement with Reagle Commerce Technology Co. Ltd nor ICBC (Asia) to provide any special offer for the promotion. Therefore, we do not recognize the promotion and golf privileges outlined in the advertised credit card offer while we reserve our rights to claim for any losses that we may suffer as a result from the ICBC (Asia)/ 1872 Credit Card promotion.
珠海万盛乡村俱乐部 (责任编辑:管理员) |