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亚洲女子高尔夫球巡回赛 LAGT

时间:2011-06-24 00:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
亚洲女子高尔夫球巡回赛于1983年自发的在如泰国, 新加坡,马来西亚,印尼举行,日本的 Koichi Kato先生的香港和他的英国同事。台湾和菲律宾随后参加。

亚洲女子高尔夫球巡回赛 LAGT

亚洲女子职业巡回赛 LOGO

  以下是亚洲女子高尔夫球巡回赛 LAGT的历史:

  亚洲女子高尔夫球巡回赛于1983年自发的在如泰国, 新加坡,马来西亚,印尼举行,日本的 Koichi Kato先生的香港和他的英国同事。台湾和菲律宾随后参加。

  在 1987 经过 Koichi Kato 先生和泰国的 Rae-Vadee T. Suwan女士(即现任泰国女子高尔夫球协会主席)的努力下,使之正式地被亚太高尔夫球联盟定名为 “Kosaido 女子亚洲高尔夫球巡回赛”。在曾担任亚高联秘书长和日本 Kosaido 集团服务过的马来西亚人爱德蒙.杨先生的联系下,日本航空公司亦加入成为了巡回赛的主要赞助者商。

  LAGC(即女子亚洲高尔夫球巡回赛)由Koichi Kato先生为协调者,Rae Vadee T. Suwan女士为顾问,亚洲太平洋的高尔夫球联盟执行总裁 Tomy Lee 先生作为LAGC 论坛的主席,还是有来自泰国,马来西亚,印尼和台湾的代表。联络办公室设在日本的丰桥。

  刚开始的时候赛事提供的总奖金只有美金$30,000。短短几年后奖金上涨到美金US$ 80,000 - $120,000。四场巡回赛的赛事分别在台湾,印尼,马来西亚和泰国举行。来自世界各地差不多有20多个国家和地区的女子高尔夫球手,尤其是那些刚刚转为职业的选手,会在冬天即将结束之时,日巡赛,欧巡赛,美巡赛赛季开始之前来参加亚洲的巡回赛。



  在 2003 年, Kosaido 公司结束了15年来对亚洲女子高尔夫巡回赛的赞助,使得该赛事在2004年休整了一年,只是在亚洲女子高尔夫巡回赛的 Koichi Kato先生的安排之下,仅于台湾举办了两场“台湾女子高尔夫球巡回赛”。


  今年2004年,在马来西亚亚洲女子高尔夫球巡回赛(即LAGC)正式被重新命名为亚洲女子高尔夫球巡回赛(即LAGT), 在亚高联的赞助下由Thomas Lee先生担任主席,Ian Randell 先生担任执行总裁,并且计划于2005年与欧洲女子巡回赛(LET)合作共同推出。

  这个计划将会被新加坡平面媒体集团做强势的市场推广。该公司的董事总经理Keld Kristiansen 先生将大力支持该计划。Koichi Kato先生仍然被任命为 LAGT 的联络者,而且联络办公室仍设于当时的办公室。

  泰国女子高尔夫球协会会长Rae-Vadee T. Suwan女士,同时也是执掌着历史悠久的“皇后杯”赛事总监。这位在亚洲地区有着崇高威望的女子高尔夫领袖将在2005年再一次举办泰国女子公开赛,这一次是亚洲女子巡回赛和APGC,LET and PMG联合举办的其中一站。



  20年前当 LAGC 刚刚在亚洲开始的时候, 除韩国,台湾外,在泰国,马来西亚,菲律宾,印度尼西亚都还没有女子职业球手。然而现在亚洲地区中有涌现出众多女子职业高尔夫球手,而且数字正在逐步增加。正如大家所知,尤其以韩国的增长速度尤为惊人。同样在中国,也将会有更多的高尔夫球手发展起来,LAGT则会全力支持女子高尔夫在中国的发展。

  同样,崭新的亚洲女子高尔夫球巡回赛在日本的Koichi Ka

  亚洲女子高尔夫球巡回赛 LAGT 英文简介

  The history of ladies golf tours in Asia began when the Asia Ladies Golf Circuit (ALGC) was launched informally in 1983 in some countries as Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong by Mr. Koichi Kato from Japan and his English jounalist colleague, Mr Michael Gedye. Taiwan and Philippines joined the circuit afterward.

  In 1987 it was restructured and was officially sanctioned by Asia Pacific Golf Confederation as the "Kosaido Ladies Asia Golf Circuit" through the joint efforts of Mr. Koichi Kato and Thailand's Mrs. Rae-Vadee T. Suwan who was the President of Thailand Ladies Golf Association, under the guidance of the late Mr. Edmund Yong of Malaysia who was serving as APGC's Secretary-General. Kosaido Group of Companies of Japan became the Circuit's Main Sponsor with Japan Airlines as the Circuit Co-sponsor and Thai Airways International as the official carrier.

  The LAGC was formed with Mr. Koichi Kato as the Coordinator, Mrs. Rae -Vadee T. Suwan as the senior advisor, Mr. Thomas M.L. Lee of the APGC also served as the chairman of the Circuit Committee, consisting of delegates from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Taiwan. The liaison office was based in Toyohashi, Japan.

  When it was launched the prize moneys offered was only US$ 30,000 per venue. Through the years the figures went up between US$ 80,000 - $120,000 in purse prizes. Four tournaments were regularly held in Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Lady golfers from all over the world, almost 20 nationalities, especially those who have just turned professionals, join this Asian tour before the start of the Japanese, European and American tours at the end of the winter season.

  Unlike the tournaments in Japan, Europe and the USA, the championship in Asia are organized by volunteer members of the respective national golf associations as the National Open. Over the years many new stars were born and they went on to play in the bigger events. Asian local top amateurs have been given the chance to take part along side with the professionals and by doing so, they are improving their playing skills. No doubt the Ladies Asia Golf Circuit has opened up a new career path for top local amateurs as well as the international professional players.

  In 2003, Kosaido Company terminated the sponsorship after 17 years' financial support and Ladies Asia Golf Circuit had a one year break in 2004 while only two tournaments in Taiwan continued to be held as the "Taiwan Ladies Golf Tour" under the co-ordination of Mr. Koichi Kato of Ladies Asia Golf Circuit.

  In Asia region there are two well-established tours in Japan and Korea. However those tours are rarely open to foreign players. Under the umbrella of Asia Pacific Golf Confederation there are almost 27 countries and the Ladies Asia Golf Circuit was the sole international ladies golf tour to cover the Asian countries besides Japan and Korea.

  New efforts were made in 2004 to relaunch the Ladies Asia Golf Circuit as the Ladies Asian Golf Tour (LAGT), which remained under the auspices of Asa Pacific Golf Confederation. The LAGT was joined in its administration by Mr. Aylwin Tai of Hong Kong as the Chief Executive, Mr. Koichi Kato as the Chief Tour Commissioner and Mrs. Rae-Vadee T. Suwan as the President.

  In 2005 the Singapore Ladies Masters with the co-sanction of the Ladies European Tour (LET) was held and Mr. Koichi Kato was appointed as the LAGT coordinator.

  Mrs. Rae Vadee T. Suwan of Thailand Ladies Golf Association also has an important role in amateur golf development as she serves as the tournament coordinator of the Asia-Pacific Ladies Invitational Golf Team Championship for the historical Queen Sirikit Cup,where most national players graduate into their future professional career.

  The Ladies Asian Golf Tour (LAGT), as the sole international ladies golf tour in Asian region shall endeavour to improve the tour and would appreciate if all the other women's golf bodies in the world would extend their support and recognition to the Asian Tour as well.

  Ladies Golf in China is develoPing very steadily and China is also an attractive destination for golfers from all over the world.

  when LAGC was started in Asia, there were no ladies pro in Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and only a small number in Korea and Taiwan. However now there are so many ladies pro golfers in Asia and the number is growing. Especially the growth in Korea is amazing, as we are aware. It is no doubt that a lot of ladies golfers would be born in China soon and LAGT hopes to contribute to its development.

  The Ladies Asian Golf Tour is a new concept launched in 2005, taking over where the previously known Kasaido Ladies Asian Golf Circuit left off. LAGT is more than just a tour, it has lofty aspirations for the development of Asian ladies golf locally and internationally. It has strong partnerships with the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, the Ladies Professional Golf Association and the Ladies European Tour.

  The LAGT schedule in 2006 started off in February with 5 events played, including India. The events were televised (live in certain venue) and aired on selected TV channels, such as, ESPNStar for Asia and Eurosport for Europe. News feeds were distributed to Eurovision Sport and SNTV as well as to Gillette World Sport.

  In 2007, there were 5 events - Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Shanghai and India and the winner of the Order of Merit was invited again to play in Korea. LAGT has been focussing the tournaments during January - March which are off season for Womens Open and also Japan LPGA's Suntory Kobe Open.

  2008 LAGT is a year of joint cooperation among the major tours for the benefits of the players. In addition to the main focus of the season as January - March, there are a few tournaments in the latter term of the season such as September - November, it is a big challenge for LAGT to recruit its players during their busy season. However, LAGT finds a way to link-up the tournaments with Korea LPGA and Ladies European Tour as joint-santioned events. The Binhai Open in Shanghai is tri-sanctioned with KLPGA, CGA, and Taihu Open in Suzhou is also in cooperation with LET and CGA. Taihu Open welcomes Annika Sorenstam to play her first tournament in China.

  For 2009 season, LAGT moved the head office to Japan from Hong Kong as of December 2008 where Mr Koichi Kato has registered.

  The Chief Executive, Mr Aylwin Tai resigned the position from the LAGT board to be appointed as the advisor under the promotion company, Richtone Worldwide Co. Ltd in Hong Kong, while other board directors Mrs Rae Vadee T. Suwan and Mr. Koichi Kato stay in their respective positions.

  R&A and APGC continue to support LAGT as well
