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时间:2011-05-28 00:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
Adams亚当斯高尔夫品牌由Barney Adams创立。公司成立于1987 年, 集设计, 组装, 营销,研发于一身,努力向客户提供高质量的高产品。亚当斯高尔夫向客户提供以球杆和附件为主的相关高尔


  成立于1987年, Adams Golf, Inc.致力于设计、组装和经营高品质、高质量、极具创新的高尔夫球杆。一直以来,Adams Golf 专心致力于研发高尔夫球具和相关附件产品,并且在多产品系列的基础上,不断创新,提供给消费者更多选择。

  值得一提的是1990年生产具有低重心特点的著名Tight Lies 铁木杆,得到了众多好评并且创建了很好的品牌忠诚度。直至今天,仍有成千上万的高尔夫球爱好者们手拿Tight Lies 球杆。

  现如今的Adams Golf 混合铁木杆以及混合铁杆组的技术创新已成为同行业中佼佼者。其中的Idea混合铁杆组更是受到个水平高尔夫爱好者的喜爱,这其中包括巡回赛中的职业选手,他们已经非常认可这种传统铁杆与铁木杆混合搭配的混合铁杆的组合。除此之外,在过去的几年中,Idea 系列的铁木杆已经成为PGA 赛场、各种锦标赛与各种国外巡回赛选手们的首选球杆,这其中包括在2008年的4个锦标赛中的头号铁木杆。精工巧匠们的研磨,前所未有的技术创新加以优质的售后服务使Adams Golf成为高尔夫行业中真正的领导者。


  除此之外,在过去的几年中,Idea 系列的铁木杆已经成为PGA 赛场、各种锦标赛与各种国外巡回赛选手们的首选球杆,这其中包括在2008年的4个锦标赛中的头号铁木杆。精工巧匠们的研磨,前所未有的技术创新加以优质的售后服务使Adams Golf成为高尔夫行业中真正的领导者。


  Founded in 1987, Adams Golf, Inc. designs, assembles, markets and distributes premium quality, technologically innovative golf clubs. Adams Golf operates in a single segment within the golf industry (golf clubs and accessories) and offers more than one category of product within each segment.

  In the late 1990s a low profile with low center of gravity known as the Tight Lies Fairway Wood, created a phenomenon in the golf industry. Through the years it has received rave reviews and unprecedented loyalty. Even today, 10 years since it was first introduced, hundreds of thousands of golfers worldwide still have Tight Lies in their bags.

  Today, Adams Golf leads the industry in hybrid and hybrid iron set technology. The Idea Hybrid Iron Sets appeal to all types of players, including the tour pros who recognize the benefit of integrating hybrids with traditional irons. Additionally, Idea hybrids have taken over the leadership position on the PGA, Champions and Nationwide Tours these past few years which includes claiming the #1 hybrid played at all four major championships in 2008. With high-quality craftsmanship, cutting-edge engineering and superior customer service that has made Adams Golf a true leader and innovator in the golf business 

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